Guest post from author Peter Adler
Writing as A.R. Silverberry
Member of the WLC
By nature, a writer’s life is often lonely. We spend hours spinning yarns behind our computers. During the wee hours of the morning, when our muse grabs us, the only conversations we have are with the characters in our heads. Proofing galleys, rewriting, and reviewing editor’s comments are solitary tasks. For the indie author, bringing our work to the public is done without the support of the well-oiled machine of traditional publishing. The complex tasks of creating book covers, interior design and formatting, distribution, and marketing, are managed by the author. The indie author, by definition, wears all hats. And goes it alone.
Trying to get noticed in the midst of the vast ocean of the internet has felt overwhelming. At times, I felt like a floundering spec. One day, I saw a tweet about the Women’s Literary Cafe (WLC). I popped over to their website, and loved what I saw. They talked about helping indie writers get more notice for their work, so I signed up. The next thing I knew, I was connecting with the bestselling and award-winning author, MelissaFoster, and a group of extraordinary authors.
Since joining WLC, I’ve grown the number of followers on my Facebook author page by twelve hundred percent. I’ve got a core group of friends who regularly tweet and Like my posts. I’ve signed up for book promotion opportunities, including reviews, interviews, the Come Back To Me book launch, and my book on their website. Together, these have effectively expanded my exposure to tens of thousands of book enthusiasts.
All of this would not be possible without Melissa Foster, WLC founder. She is not only a talented author, but a savvy marketer with over twenty five years of entrepreneurial experience. She’s a powerhouse of energy and ideas, and freely shares what she knows. She’s devoted to seeing us all succeed. Through her leadership and vision, she has created a community of authors who are there for me. Instead of trying to invent the wheel myself, my WLC friends regularly pass on ideas and tips about blog tours, where to get reviews, participate in giveaways, interview opportunities, and more. These are all things I might spend months searching for, and now have at my fingertips on a daily basis. I can truly count on these folks as friends. If you’re an author looking for camaraderie, community, connection, networking, advice, and more, zip on over to WLC.
Melissa understands that while we are independent, we’re stronger if we support each other. She understands giving us more important than getting. I count her as both mentor and friend.
Thanks, Melissa, for bringing us together!
Peter ~ You are so very correct in all that you said in your post! Your friendship and assistance through everything has been wonderful! Thank you! ~ Stacy
To learn more about WoMen’s Literary Café
(hosting both men and women), please visit: Promotions: