Pet Wheels for Princess

By Dianefergurson

Pet Wheels for PrincessLast fall when our pug Princess got her wheelchair I posted some pictures online and received quite a few questions about her condition and also inquires about the company we used for the chair. 
Princess has both a neurological problem and also issues with her lower spine which has resulted in her not being able to walk on her back legs.  She is in no pain what-so-ever, just turned 13 last month and is still going strong.
We got the wheelchair online from a company called Canine Wheels.  The chair was under $200 and it was made to her specific measurements.  The company was great to work with.  I would definitely recommend them.
Princess uses her chair several times a day for about 20 minutes at a time.  It tires her out, so I don't like to have it her in it too long.  When Princess eats she uses it to help her to stand up, and as you'll see she also "loves" to go outside in it when the weather is nice.
I had forgotten about this video footage I took of her last fall, so when I found it I thought I would share it so that others can see how the chair works and also how happy she is in it.  Go Prin!