.Pet Went Live On Tuesday & Has Over 5.4K Domains Registrations

Posted on the 25 February 2016 by Worldwide @thedomains

The new gTLD .Pet went live into general availability (GA) on Tuesday where is could be registered on a first come, first served basis and according to ntlstats.com .Pet has 5,428 domain name registered.

There were less than 100 .Pet domain names registered before GA in Sunrise.

Godaddy is charging $11.99 for a .Pet domain for example but there are also premium domain names like Vet.Pet which is priced at $3,249.99 a year at also at Godaddy.

I did a quick look through the domain names registered since GA and as you might expect in today’s domain world, over 50% of all registrations were for three and four numbered .pet domain names and three and four letter .pet domain names

The balance of the .Pet domains,  actually had some meaning with .Pet such as adopta.pet, buya.pet. cool.pet, awesome.pet and cute.pet to name a few.

.Pet is operated by Afilias.