Persons with a Homosexual Orientation Are Also Children of God the Father

By None

It has become fashionable in the US, particularly in well-known Catholic media circles, for many ‘conservative’ White American Catholics to bash and insult, in every possible way, people who experience a homosexual orientation regardless of its onset or genesis. It has also become the norm for these Catholics, particularly self-proclaimed ‘professional Catholics’ to apply the most pejorative of terms, both in private and in public, with regard to the homosexual population despite the norms laid out in The Catechism of Catholic Church (#2358) that they must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity.

Both in their writings and in their speech, the deep-seated abhorrence and gut revulsion that the above-referenced Catholics experience toward people with a homosexual orientation, in conjunction with an unfailing desire to unceasingly flagellate the latter – or anyone who might dare to defend their inherent dignity as human persons – with all kinds of contemptuous terms, belies the true nature of their abhorrence. For although their speech and their writings, both in their blog posts and in books some of these Catholics try to get independently published – books stopped in their tracks from publication by the editors responsible for quality control precisely because of the unprofessional libellous language used and adolescent-like refusal to moderate such language – appear to be well-cloaked in the language of religiosity, Catholicism, devoutness, ‘piety,’ and ‘love’ for God, they are anything but. Looked at closely, within the context of their spittle-flecked, rageful nutties when duly corrected in relation to their authorial, linguistic, and spiritual deficiencies, it becomes immediately evident that the abhorrence and revulsion these Catholics experience toward the homosexual population are none other than satanic in origin; ploys by the Evil One to catch them in his net by playing up their bloated egos and immense, unaddressed spiritual pride. In other words, such Catholics are committing mortal sins by what they are saying and doing, while attempting to condemn others for their own mortal sins in turn – and they will have to give a full accounting to God for such behaviors, more so in fact than if they experienced a homosexual orientation themselves.

People who are, or who identify as, homosexual are also children of God the Eternal Father and very much loved by Him, as are Catholics who are heterosexual. To attempt to flagellate them because of something beyond their conscious control is neither Christian nor Catholic, despite one’s baptismal status. Meanwhile, it should be remembered that none of the above equates to approval of, or support for, gay marriage as this has been, is, and will always remain a spiritual impossibility in the eyes of God.