It begins with a short monologue, read in Italian, by the redhead. In a very Paloma-esque fashion, the video is an absolutely stunning creation, and one which plays upon all of the strange, but wonderful, things you'd expect from her ... but then the music begins, and you may be left a little stiff.
It almost immediately sounds like Robin Thicke's, Blurred Lines. Now, as you may recall, Pharrell helped Robin also, so it's no shock that these have similarities ... but to be the same, suggests a lack of creativity since the original creation.
Paloma, who is obviously very different to the chauvinist, Robin, sings very differently. She actually creates some form of an aura around her words and, in fact, does not have lyrics that remotely resemble that of Robin's track. However, that niggling feeling of similarity to the original is always there and, we're unsure whether it can be shaken off.
The further you venture in, and the more unprovoked shouts and screams you hear from Paloma, make it, actually, a little bit harder to find differences to this from Pharrell's original work and, whilst we do like it, we don't at the same time.
We don't really believe there is a way around this, but hope that Paloma keeps up this type of music ... however, in her next singles and ventures, she could opt for something a little less similar to that of the dick, Robin Thicke.