PERL - Financial Independence and Life Toolkit

By The Contender @The__Contender
PERL - Plan for Early Retirement and Life the toolkit
THE.PAST: "Come on, I am who you are, do what you know best, you don't need to change. Remember your education, remember all the nice shiny plastic goods you have bought with me. Great times. Work has needed you, it has molded you into the perfect Yes Man employee. You have been promised promotions, power, money and subordinates - don't risk messing it all up now."

THE.PRESENT: "Get up, get up the alarm is going on the best day of your life. Get up! Get up! Quick get ready for work! Commute, Meeting, work, meeting, appraisal - must do better, must work harder to get that promotions (I bet they say that to all the employees), Commute home, surf the web shops for an instant DVD, sit down with an instant meal and vegetate in front of the TV. Welcome to the 21st century, you are so lucky"
THE.FUTURE: "Don't even worry about me, just accept your fate. You cannot deal with me, you cannot guess what I am up to. Resign yourself to your fate. Listen to THE.PRESENT don't forget your conditioning from THE.PAST. Go home. Nothing to see here"
MUFF: "Sod the lot of you! There is a different way. Rules are there to be broken, heck I make the rules, there is no such thing as normal, whatever normal it is, it sucks. As for habits they are my habits. Some are bad habits that need their a*** kicked!"
MUFF.CONSCIENCE: "So what is the Secret? Well, really there is no secret. Simple essential Information and methods are suppressed."
After 8 posts and lots of work the PERL tool kit is finally ready. Please read on!
“We see the world, not as it is, but as we are──or, as we are conditioned to see it.” - Stephen Covey
PERL - A set of tools for life

Perl Model

We live in a world where the rules are constantly changing. 
The old autopilot approach of Education, Work, a big House, Pension and Retirement has been thrown out of the window. 
People have to take more and more responsibility to keep and grow their wealth through the avoidance of debt and accumulation of assets. Furthermore the family unit has been infiltrated by consumerism, fast food and "entertainment"
We need to be in control of our own lives. We need to plan for THE.FUTURE.
"Every human has four endowments- self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change." - Stephen Covey
Invest in a few hours of discovery?
Life is long. We have ample time to read a book, go for a walk, watch some TV. Why not sacrifice a couple of hours to have a look at the ideas in the PERL planning tool? Two hours in a life time is very little. If you set up and use the spreadsheet on a regular basis and achieve financial independence along the way, you will be free from paid salaried work. Just think of all the free time you'll have!
Starting on the path to financial independence can be hard work to start with. Maybe there will be some anger to deal with - "Why did I not know this before?". A bit of procrastination "I cannot give up my expensive shopping habits". MUFF has asked these question and challenged his norms and come out the other side much more in control of his life.
After a while the process becomes very rewarding . You have worked hard at it, you have made decisions and gone out there and done it. You are seeing the results from it.
Whilst the journey will take time the transformation will be self re-enforcing. New opportunities will arise. You will surprise yourself with new ways to make and save money, entertain yourself and develop relationships for life. Free time is used more wisely in the pursuit of personal and family happiness.
The key is taking responsibility and initiative, deciding what your life is about and prioritizing your life around the most important things.
- Stephen Covey
Download now
CLICK HERE FOR PERL (Open Office) and have a look through its contents it should take no longer than reading a blog post to get an idea if any part of it is of interest to you. If hopefully that is the case perhaps start with just the achievements list - it is always nice to reminisces and then think "I did that! I can do whatever I want and I can be financially free and happy!".
(Software - Open Office: and Java: JRE)
PERL Guidebook v1.3 by muff76
Just a thought, just an idea, just a green shoot. Life is a marathon it has its ups and downs, pain and ecstasy, start, middle and end. We all need to complete the marathon. Enjoy the run and leave a legacy. Hit the ground running today by planning for your future surprises are abound and opportunities await!!
The PERL series of posts

Project MUFFLER (My Unconventional Freedom Fight For Life and Early Retirement) to create PERL (Planning For Early Retirement and Life) Tool kit

MUFF - What does Early Retirement, Lean and Maslow have in common? - Introduction to the PERL Model

Part 1 - The Budget MUFF Tribe Spending 2012 and a look at the decision to rent – Top Post!

Part 2 - The Investments - MUFF Investment Strategy (Active Investor) and some of the investments

Part 3 - 18 Life Rules & Future Planning - Key Rules for the PERL planning tool

Part 4 – Building a Strategy - The PERL Strategy sheets (Goal setting and calculations) and Guide

Part 5 – Short Term Planning - PERL Tools for planning the week \ month (using a Spreadsheet, Whiteboard, Pen and Pad)

Part 6 – Medium Term Planning – PERL Financial Planning Sheets - Financial Planning Sheets and Personal Development Checklists

Part 7 – Long Term Planning - What can you plan 5-30 years in the future?

Part 8 – PERL

Peace and prosperity

Comments pleaseThis blog has a growing audience (thank you everyone!).  The blogs aim is not just to talk about topics, it is toprovide some practical ideas and tools to help put the "talk", from this father of two, into action. The PERL spreadsheet is one of these ideas / tools which can improve, grow and change with feedback I receive.

Please let me know if the planning tools add any value to this blog or if there is something you would like to see added to them? I would greatly appreciate feedback in the comments section below or by email via the link on the right.

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