Perhaps A Boring 7 Hour Train Movie Will Make You Forget You Are On A Boring Plane

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

CNN reports that British Airways is adding a new “boring” movie to its in-flight viewing options: specifically a movie, featuring no commentary, of a train entitled “The Seven Hour Train Journey to Oslo.”

3 Ways To Make This Movie Seem More Boring

1. Show it in slow motion, just in case you are on a 14 hour flight, and don’t want to view it twice.

2. Have Kiefer Sutherland, in the role of Jack Bauer, recapping every two hours: “Previously on the Seven Hour Journey To Oslo” and then skipping an hour forward, as Fox apparently didn’t want a full season of this show.

3. “Oops! Someone boarded without a ticket! Time to turn this train around at the six-hour mark. Sorry, nobody’s taking this train to Oslo, today!”