Performance Testing: Challenges and Benefits

Posted on the 31 January 2023 by Katy Perry

The success of an application is reliant on the efforts of software developers, testers, and quality assurance professionals. Each application developed must go through quality assurance (QA) services to ensure its quality and prevent an app from failing.

One of the software professionals’ responsibilities is conducting performance testing. They use different mechanisms during the process, such as mobile performance testing tools, to build successful experimental scenarios for native and hybrid apps.

However, performance testing presents some challenges during development. This article emphasizes the challenges that software professionals face when performing performance testing.

8 Challenges of Performance Testing

Performance testing is a critical process of an app assessment of its current performance. Performance testing includes several techniques, such as load testing, which are carried out during discrete workloads to evaluate the performance and responsiveness of the app.

Performance testing is critical for development teams; however, challenges may arise during this phase.

Slow loading time

It is time it takes for an application or software to start loading. The standard loading time is as short as possible; in this scenario, it occasionally exceeds one minute before an app loads.

Insufficient scalability

The handling ability of the software is the definition of scalability. Poor scalability happens when the software cannot handle the expected number of users during load testing.


Slow loading can result in app abandonment. Users lose patience if a program takes a long time to load; the app has to be quick and efficient.


A barrier prevents a program from running as it should. It results in ineffective workload management. Some typical hindrances preventing an app from working are CPU processing, memory space, disk usage, and OS restrictions.

Wrong choice of testing tools

It may take longer to get the test scripts to run if using the wrong tools for performance testing. The device should enable controls for the application during testing.

Unawareness of the significance of performance tests

Some stakeholders need to recognize the importance of performance testing while developing the app. Low performance and app failures could occur in this situation, leading to poor app quality.

Lack of a testing plan and inadequate test coverage

Numerous testing phases are involved in performance testing, including performance feature and API testing. Therefore, these strategies require careful execution from the experts.

Inadequate performance test result analysis

An excellent tester should be well-versed in system and app knowledge to analyze performance test results thoroughly.

The Benefits of Performance Testing

Customers will turn away if your software performs poorly, resulting in a loss of customers and business.

Let’s look at the benefits of performance testing and why it’s so important.

It evaluates the app’s precision, quickness, and stability.

Performance testing primarily concentrates on the app’s speed, stability, and accuracy, which are its most essential components. Through performance testing, it monitors software under pressure and assesses its scalability.

Developers can then evaluate the performance of standard procedures and decide what changes are necessary.

Check the primary app’s features.

Monitoring the app’s performance in its fundamental functions enables business management to understand how the app will function. If validated through extensive testing, the company can succeed in its marketing campaigns and app performance, resulting in increased revenue.

Keep loyal customers

You can track customer engagement by testing app performance. User experience is critical, and your product should solve your customers’ problems to make them happy. An excellent app loads quickly and is reliable.

The benefit is that you can identify critical issues before they affect your customers.

Boost Optimization and resolve issues

Checking app performance can provide a cushion for developers, and issues are likely to be resolved before launching the app. Prior testing enables testers to maximize performance and customize their ability to meet demand.

Final Word

According to the Statista Research Department, software testers, QA, and developers ranked fourth among the top 15 professions in the United States, with the highest projected employment growth from 2020 to 2030.

Indeed, software professionals significantly contribute to a business app’s success.

Before marketing any application, performance testing is essential because it contributes to a better user experience, loyalty, and engagement.

Furthermore, it is critical to choose knowledgeable testers to ensure comprehensive testing of your software’s speed, stability, and accuracy.