Perfect Gifts I'll Be Buying For Myself This Christmas

By Lollicious @lollicious

I can't believe how close Christmas is already. We haven't got that many weeks to shop for the perfect gifts and send out all those Christmas cards in the post. Still, I know I can rely on my family to make some awesome gift choices for me. And they love Christmas so much. The kids in my family get so excited about decorating the house and the tree. We all got onto the Google Santa Tracker last year too which was a huge hit.

There is still a lot to do, though. I know I need to get the gift shopping list sorted out. Kids are easy because they ask for what they want! But the grown-ups can be a little less forthcoming. Then there's me. I know I'll get some great things, but I can't help buying those little things I see just for me. Don't get me wrong. I love shopping, and I love giving gifts. But sometimes I think I deserve a little treat too!

One of the things I absolutely have to get at Christmas is a calendar for next year. Fortunately, Calendar Depot has already got their 2016 stock in, and I have my eye on the Mum's Family Calendar. Honestly, I would not have a clue what was happening in the day without my family calendar. Everything gets written in there so I can never miss an appointment and keep everything running smoothly.

I always seem to 'need' new shoes at this time of year too. And I'm definitely one for bargain hunting. If I see something in the sale, I'm not risking it. I will buy it then and there. Besides, I'm not sure my family have quite the same taste in fashion as I do! But I'll wear the Christmas themed jumper , and I'll make the most of my jumbo makeup set too.

Mums seem to receive an awful lot of bath products at this time of year. I'm not saying they're not welcome, but it takes until next Christmas to use them all up! This year, I'm hoping for fewer bath bombs and a few more bathroom accessories. I've been intending to revamp the bathroom decor for a while now. As usual, life has got in the way. But if I see a new towel set in a classic stripe, I won't be able to help myself!

Like most families, our Christmas is done on a that gets blown out of the water every year. This year, I'm determined to stay on track. I know I'm as guilty as the next person for buying bargains that I see. But this year I'm price checking. I made the mistake of thinking something in the supermarket would be cheaper than elsewhere and was wrong by about $50. That's an expensive mistake. So this year, I'm treating myself to a price checker app, so I'm not duped again.

I love Christmas time, especially with my little one. I love shopping for her and helping her shop for Daddy's presents too. But if I see my favourite lippy on sale, I might just have to wrap it up for me with love from Santa!