Perfect for the Reluctant Reader: "Capturing Cresselia: Unofficial Stories for Pokémon Collectors #2," by Alex Polan

By Parentingauthor @ParentingAuthor
Do you have a reluctant reader? I do! In fact, I have two. My twin boys would rather eat bugs than read a book, so it's important for me to find reading material that will interest them. Right now, they're really into Pokémon. One of them is playing the popular Pokémon GO game where he captures Pokémon on his phone all over town. My other son has been collecting the Pokémon cards and trading them with his friends. So, they were pleased to hear that they can also enjoy Pokémon through books. Here's a great one to get your Pokémon fan to pick up a book...
Capturing Cresselia: Unofficial Stories for Pokémon Collectors #2
by Alex Polan
Welcome to Camp Pikachu, where kids can act out adventures from their favorite Pokémon games and cartoons, battling other teams to earn points and badges, and maybe make it into the Summer Camp Hall of Fame! Marco, Nisha, Logan, and Maddy can't wait to embark on their latest adventure: Pokémon Orienteering!
This book begins with Marco's letter to his parents from Camp Pikachu explaining that he gets to ride a zip line! This caught my boys' attention immediately because they've been zip lining twice now and thought it was a blast, so they could definitely relate to Marco's fear and enthusiasm about the sport. My kids have had a great time at Scout camp, but they were able to imagine how even greater camp would be if it involved Pokémon catching! At 110 pages with kid-friendly language and lots of action, Capturing Cresselia is the ideal book for reluctant readers (ages 8-12) and, of course, fans of Pokémon!
About the author:
Alex Polan began collecting Pokémon cards in 1998. He lives just north of San Francisco in a house overlooking the Pacific Ocean, where he sometimes imagines he sees the legendary Pokémon Kyogre. Alex has a wife, two sons, and a cat that is every bit as gruff and grouchy as Meowth.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. This post contains my Amazon affiliate link, and I will receive a small commission on purchases made through the link.