Pepsi Max Lime Review

By Grocerygems @grocerygems

I've become more of fan of Pepsi Max over the years, especially their Pepsi Max Cherry variety. I also still enjoy the Pepsi Max Ginger (see my Pepsi Max Ginger Review from 2017). I love anything citrus flavoured though, and often add a slice of frozen lemon or lime to my drinks if I'm feeling fancy, so I was especially looking forward to trying the new Pepsi Max Lime.

The initial aroma on opening this Pepsi Max Lime was very promising with a lovely lime scent. However the lime flavor itself was not as strong as I was hoping for. There is a sweet lime flavor that I did enjoy but it's not as boldly citrus as it should be. The citrus flavor should be the main aftertaste but instead it's the sweet Pepsi Max flavor that lingers, as a result the lime flavor itself doesn't dominate. Having said all that, I still found this a really refreshing Pepsi Max flavor and the hint of lime is still enough fo me to buy it again - I might just add a couple of extra lime slices next time though.

I'll have to update when I've tried the Diet Coke Sublime Lime but let me know in the comments if you've tried both and which you prefer!

Grocery Gems Review: Pepsi Max Lime Review
RATING: 7 out of 10.
Buy it again?: Yes.
Purchased: Tesco.