People Who Influence

By Balancingonhoney @balancinghoney

Sunday afternoons, all the way through the night are usually reserved for homework, studying, and more studying. As you can see I am taking a mental break, and posting to my neglected blog… and eating some study fuel!

Salad with whole wheat noodles, mozzarella cheese, avocado, and ceaser dressing.

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about my blog title and whether or not I want it to remain as Balancing on Honey or make a switch to something like my name, for a more personal branded feel. Before I started my blog, I prayed and prayed about it because I wanted God’s full blessing. I wanted to make sure I was writing for His glory and not my own. It is easy to get caught up in the stats and readership, and I don’t want that to be my main reason for blogging. When Balancing on Honey came to me, I loved it, It seemed thoughtful and was inspired by a Beth Moore study, so how could that not be right, you know?

Now that I have been blogging for a few months, practicing personal growth, and following people who influence my life, I have realized that I hope so much that God will use me in other people’s lives the way He has been using them in my life. As John Maxwell says it, I want to add “value” to others.

One way I want to work on that is by creating a better personal brand for myself. That is where my blog title comes in. Do I want to be known as Balancing on Honey or not? I don’t think it would be necessary to create another blog, I just want the space I do have to be molded more towards what God is leading me to.

Below are a few people who influence me through their social media platforms:

Sandi Krakowski

John Maxwell

Lynette Lewis

… and that is just a few!

Now back to Blackboard! Blackboard is where all my online classes are, and while we are on the subject online classes are not my ideal method of learning. Just getting that out there . Oh, and I thought you might like to see my goofy dog that has been posted up on a cushion across from me.

What do you think about my blog title?