People’s Security Ministry Holds New Year’s Address Meeting

Posted on the 06 January 2013 by Michael_nklw @Michael_NKLW

A meeting “to carry out the important tasks” in Kim Jong Un’s New Year’s Address held in an assembly hall at Ministry of People’s Security headquarters in Pyongyang on 5 January 2012 (Photos: KCNA)

A meeting “to carry out the important tasks” in Kim Jong Un’s New Year’s Address held in an assembly hall at Ministry of People’s Security headquarters in Pyongyang on 5 January 2012 (Photos: KCNA)

DPRK state media reported on 5 January (Saturday) that the Ministry of People’s Security [MPS] and Korean People’s Internal Security Forces [KPISF] held a meeting of MPS/KPISF personnel “to carry out the important tasks ” in Kim Jong Un’s New Year’s Address.  Attending the meeting were Minister of People’s Security Gen. Ri Myong Su, Director of the KPISF Political Bureau Col. Gen. Ri Pyong Sam, vice minister, senior MPS managers and “people’s security men and service personnel of the KPISF.”  According to KCNA meeting speakers said “the Supreme Commander’s New Year Address fully reflected the iron-will and grandiose plan of the Military-First (So’ngun) brilliant commander of Mt. Paektu to demonstrate great Kim Il Sung’s and Kim Jong Il’s Korea before the whole world and clearly indicated tasks that the army and the people of the DPRK should hold fast to as guidelines in the new year’s advance. Thanks to the experienced and tested leadership of the dear respected Supreme Commander the DPRK will emerge the strongest power in the world to be envied by the world and the cause of building a thriving nation is sure to triumph, they noted. This is the iron-willed truth the army and the people learned in their struggle last year.”  Meeting speakers also “vowed to firmly defend this year’s gigantic advance to build a thriving socialist nation with arms and law in hearty response to the important tasks set forth in Kim Jong Un’s New Year Address” and “said they would complete the major construction projects assigned to them as monumental structures in the era of Songun faster and more splendidly in the spirit of offensive of Mt. Paektu and the spirit of ‘At a go’.”

Filed under: 2013 Strategic Rhetoric, Administration Department, Central Committee, Col. Gen. Ri Pyong Sam, colonel general, DPRK Intelligence Community, DPRK Legal System, Gen. Ri Myong Su, internal security, Kim Family, Kim Jong-un, Korean People's Army (KPA), Korean People's Internal Security Forces, Korean Workers' Party (KWP), kpif, Minister of People's Security/KPISF construction units, ministry of people's security, Ministry of People's Security engineering units, National Defense Commission (NDC), North Korean press, party life, Political Bureau