People of Walmart: The Fashion Edition

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

2014 is almost done. So here’s our last “People of Walmart” post of the year!

There’s a website called, to which readers can send — and get published — candid photos they’ve taken of odd-looking shoppers in various Wal-Marts across the U.S.

Periodically I go on the website to cull pictures for my “People of Walmart” posts on FOTM (scroll down to bottom of this post for our collection). I do them as a way to chronicle how Americans have lost our sense of self-respect and propriety. Too many of us don’t make even a minimum effort at pulling ourselves together before we go out of our homes, but instead parade our slovenly appearances for the world to see.

In today’s “People of Walmart” edition are pics of Americans who bedecked themselves in bizarre outfits, beginning with this woman who bound herself with duct tape.

See FOTM’s other “People of Walmart” posts:
