I am getting a bit tired of endless arguments from environmentalists that if we only provide Blacks with this special magic environment, then they will match Whites in IQ or IQ proxy scores. For decades we hear that if we only do this, that and the other that we will finally raise Black IQ and achievement scores up to the White level.
This debate has been raging since Jensen’s classic paper in 1969. That’s 47 years, and honestly the debate was already going on with a much smaller audience via the polarizing Dr. William Shockley. I suppose I am getting impatient with the failure of Blacks to significantly close these gaps and the endless cries from liberals that this Black Valhalla is right around the corner. Some of us are getting tired of waiting. It’s very frustrating.
I suppose I keep thinking, “So when is it going to happen? When are they going to close the gaps? Ok, Blacks can close the gap. Wonderful. So why don’t they do it? Wow, Blacks closed the gap in this country. Cool! So why don’t they do it here?”
The answer is always the same.
“Well, we just haven’t made the environment magic enough. We need to keep trying endlessly to create this magic Superenvironment that brings Blacks up to par. Come on! Step right up! Let’s create the Superenvironment! Everyone chip in!”
I think that these magic environments of Superenvironments may well exist, but it seems to be awfully hard to create them. Plus no doubt it is seriously expensive.
It reminds me of the Vietnam War. “We’re winning! We’re winning! The enemy is almost defeated! There’s light at the end of the tunnel!” and then we sit around waiting for a victory that never happens.
Forget matching us in behavior. The behavior of even the Blacks in the UK (who may have matched Whites in IQ proxies) is absolutely awful. So even if you make Black people dramatically smarter – a noble goal which I fully support for many reasons – you still end up with an extremely aggressive, impulsive, violent, criminalized and dangerous population whose crime rate is practically a public health crisis.
So what have we achieved by jacking up the Black IQ in the UK? Other than the benefits that will accrue to a lot of them, are we simply creating a new much more intelligent breed of dangerous antisocial criminal? I am not sure how or even if smarter crooks are better for society than dumber crooks. Maybe they are somehow, but someone needs to show me the data.