Pennsylvania Voters Prefer Hillary Clinton For 2016

Posted on the 31 May 2015 by Jobsanger

Public Policy Polling® surveyed 799 registered voters, including 385 Democratic primary voters and 334 Republican primary voters, from May 21st to 24th. The margin of error for the overall survey is +/- 3.5%, for the Democrats it’s +/-5.0%, and for the Republicans it’s +/-5.4%. 
The latest state to be surveyed about the presidential campaign by Public Policy Polling is Pennsylvania. Hillary Clinton was the overwhelming choice among Democrats -- even among the "very liberal" Democrats (the group that Sanders and O'Malley are trying to get a foothold in).
Among Republicans, Scott Walker was the favorite. He only got 17% of the vote, but that's five points better than Carson, Christie, and Santorum -- and six points better than Huckabee. All of the other candidates (including Bush and Rubio) finished with less than 10%.
But perhaps the most interesting chart is the one below. It asked all voters who they would prefer if the various Democratic hopefuls ran against the leading Republican (Walker). Note that Pennsylvania voters prefer Hillary Clinton over Scott Walker by four points -- but all of the other Democratic hopefuls would lose to Walker. Sanders would lose by five points, and the other Democrats by even more.