Pennies from Heaven: A Slice of Life Post

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. I’m back today with another Slice of Life Post. Today, I want to talk about the significance of finding coins, specifically pennies and dimes.

Recently, I went to the mall with my youngest. There was a game for the Xbox 360 he wanted to get and he couldn’t wait one more day to get it. Sigh. So we ventured out on one of the busiest weekends of the year.

I parked my car in the parking lot and stepped out. I happened to look down on the ground and there sitting right by my foot was a dime. I picked it up and put it in my pocket. I didn’t think much about it, just proceeded into the store.

Image courtesy of this blog:

After my son picked out his game, we stood in the long line waiting to check out. Ahead of me in the aisle was a bright shiny penny. I had seen it earlier, before I stepped in line, but I figured someone would pick it up. I was surprised to see it still on the floor. I picked it up and handed it to the cashier. I thought it was odd, all those people milling around and no one picked up that coin. I shrugged it off, after all, it was busy. The chances of finding loose change will increase dramatically when you have more people milling around.

Photo courtesy of Walter Michka see it here:

We left the store and headed toward our car. As we traveled across the parking lot, something shiny caught my eye. When I stepped closer, I realized it was a coin, another dime. Now I believe in synchronistic events and I find it strange that I would find three coins in a busy mall out in plain site where anyone passing by could pick them up.

So when I returned home. I did an internet search and I found there is a spiritual connection to finding pennies and dimes.

Some people believe that finding these two types of coins in odd places or frequently is a message from someone who has passed to the other side.

Click this link to read more here:

If this is true, what does finding these coins mean? What message are they trying to convey?

Well, according to the above article, pennies signify the number one. Which carries the vibration of new beginnings, new ideas, achievement, success, and progress.

Dimes, on the other hand, signify that you should pay attention to your intuition and trust your instincts as you move forward in life.

Is this true? I don’t know, but I do know that I’ve had a rush of new ideas recently in regards to my writing. :) So I’m going to be paying attention that’s for sure.

How about you? Has anything like this happened to you before? What did you make of it? Leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you!

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