Peer Pressure.

By Theelegantologist

I had a client look at himself in the tailor’s mirror and say “If my buddies ever saw me in this stuff, they’d never let me forget it.”

He has an MBA and runs his own successful company. He spends half the year in South Beach, Miami. He has it wired.

But, somehow, the thought of wearing nice clothing (he was being measured for a custom shirt and a sportcoat in a very nice gray plaid), even with jeans and a dress shirt, was a bit off-putting for him. I think he thinks it makes him less approachable than the jeans and t-shirts he was used to wearing in all situations.

I reminded him of our goals: to make his life easier and to improve his potential dating pool. After carefully and ruthlessly editing his wardrobe, anything that he grabs looks good on him. The flip-flops have been replaced with loafers, the hoodies with a couple of sweaters and a blazer. All his dress shirts fit.

He has met his two goals. And yet… .

I thought about him today whilst walking the dog. It’s still chilly and I have yet to dress for the day. Which means I’m in jeans and boots, a flannel shirt and a Barbour quilted jacket. Nothing special. I was worried about running into anyone I know (although, I doubt they’d recognize me… sort of the Clark Kent effect.) As I passed pedestrians and glanced at commuters on their way to work, it occurs to me that very few men like to stand out. Women don’t seem to have that problem if the preponderance of skin tight jeans, tall boots and short jackets can be believed.

I chalk it up to peer pressure. But what I don’t understand is why we’ll press any other advantage we have in competition to win while we ignore one of the easiest to improve — how we make our first impression.

Make it a point to look your best this weekend, even in casual wear.