Hey all! First things first – it’s. been. ages. It’s been about 8 weeks since I started my new job at the video agency, and I’ve been loving this crazy season of learning, growing and development. God has really shown me how to trust Him as He leads me through new challenges every day. And though life at the new office had been a little nuts, He’s also displaying his rich blessings. About 3 weeks into the position, I was promoted into my supervisor’s role and now operate as Project Manager. Balancing deadlines with downtime has been a little tricky, but I’m enjoying this path and can’t wait to see the future!
With blogging taking the backseat for awhile, I’m recharged and hope to steadily pick up the pace again. Summer is here (record temps in parts of CA this weekend) and I’ve been sprucing up the house here and there. Some of my recent projects and finds:
This glass “oil can” soap dispenser (Threshold, Target, $9.99)
Newly-replanted succulents – the perfect solution for all those little babies! – in their mini garden
And perhaps the biggest project in the last couple weeks (after scheduling and rescheduling a few times) …..we finally made a pallet headboard! (So Pinterest of us, ya)? 3 1/2 hours, a small box of 1.5 inch course drywall screws, an electric drill and one metal saw later – this beauty was born! Surprisingly not as intimidating as you would think (it also helps to have friends who get pallet wood for free and break it down for you)
Some other tasks on my to-do list for this summer: give our patio furniture a facelift (a fresh sanding and a coat of varnish, or maybe changing the look completely with dark brown paint… haven’t decided yet), score a new cream-colored patio umbrella and up-the-ante in the planter arena (9:00pm gardening sessions are not unusual in this house).
Alongside decor whims, I’ve had the chance to enjoy some really nice time away from the office. A long weekend trip to Napa with good friends, date night picnics overlooking the jetty, late nights out and beautiful afternoons with our family (this whole “having the weekends off” thing, is kinda awesome by the way).
How have you been? Any fun plans for the upcoming Fourth (can you believe it’s JULY already)?! I feel like I need to watch The Sandlot and eat a hot dog. Mmmm. Summer.
See you soon!