Pearl's Powder Interviewed in Le Commerce Du Levant

By Pearlowa
Le Commerce Du Levant magazine*, published its 2013 “Restos, bars, cafes”  special edition for the Food and Beverage Industry in Lebanon in July. ( Read Key Findings Below**)

Cover Page of the Magazine : Juillet 2013

 Luckily, Mr. Thomas Dayer, interviewed me back in April 2013. And I couldn't retrieve a copy of the magazine as I was out of Lebanon. Sweet enough, the media team immediately handed my part of the interview on the same day( yesterday) when I asked for it! :) So...Thank you ALOT! 
I was interviewed among Top Lebanese Food Bloggers such as (No Garlic No Onion, The Burger Tribune, The Permanent Hunger...etc) Below is my part! .... Now you know a little bit more about me :)

Pearl's Powder Blog Featured in Le Commerce Du Levant

* Le Commerce Du Levant magazine : has been publishing since 1929 & its still the only economical francophone magazine/periodical. It also belongs to the same company group of L'orient De Jour newspaper.
**Key findings of the report: which are published on an annual basis in Le Commerce du Levant’s “Restos, bars, cafes” edition  point out that the number of restaurants in Beirut has increased, from 660 in 2012 to  708 in 2013.  Upscale restaurants in ritzy areas witnessed the greatest closures, causing the wave of new business owners to open in  districts that offer cheaper rent. The 17 new restaurants which opened in Downtown were met with 27 closures. 
Meanwhile, Mar Mikhael had the greatest net increase in businesses with 20 restaurants, followed by Hamra which  attracted 18 more restaurants after taking into consideration the number for closures.  Accordingly, the most popular regions were those which cater to a younger crowd. Hamra holds the greatest number of  such restaurants estimated at 130, followed by Gemmayze and Sodeco- Monot with 115 and 96 restaurants respectively. 
Given the change in tourist mix and political climate, businesses in new exclusive developments such as Zaytuna are limited with their total reaching only 16 restaurants during 2013. The sharp decline in tourists arriving from GCC countries has led local restaurants to cater to a different more frugal customer base.  The restaurant sector in Lebanon continuously proves to be resilient and robust. Born in a country accustomed to a great  degree of uncertainty, entrepreneurs have become experts at gauging trends and reinventing business models. Prosperous local venues ranging from diners to nightclubs have penetrated regional markets and raised the bar for competitors within the industry. Known for great food, taste, hospitality, and talent, Lebanese tend to stand out as regional trendsetters. Host to these innovative leaders, the country serves as a great critic of what and where the next great venue will be.