Peanut Ladoo for Kids [No Sugar Groundnut Ladoo Recipe]

By Hemapriya Natesan @MyLittleMoppet

July 22, 2020 Leave a Comment

Get the amazing benefits of nuts in this nutritious, sugar-free Peanut Ladoo for Kids. It’s also a great guilt-free snack for the whole family!

A ladoo recipe without sugar? Yes, it’s possible, with this sugar-free peanut ladoo recipe! Peanuts, or groundnuts, are an overlooked food, especially in favor of the more glamorous almonds or walnuts. The truth is that peanuts are an much more affordable way to get the valuable nutrients found in other premium nuts.

Peanuts are an excellent source of plant-based protein, healthy fats, fiber, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium and B vitamins. Peanuts are low in carbohydrates and rich in calories, making them perfect for weight gain. This Peanut Ladoo recipe is a guilt free dessert for the whole family, from toddlers to adults to seniors!

Sugar Free Peanut Ladoo for Kids


  • Peanuts / Groundnut – 1 cup
  • Jaggery or Palm jaggery – 3/4 cup
  • Cardamom Powder – 1/4 tsp
  • Ghee – 1 tbsp. (Melted)

Wondering how to get this  Organic Jaggery ? Don’t worry, we’ll send it to you! We prepare it fresh as soon as you place your order and deliver it straight to your doorstep.

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1. Heat a pan, add peanuts.

2. Roast for 8 – 9 minutes on low flame until it turns into light golden brown color.

3. Transfer it into a plate and let it cool.

4. Peel off the peanut skin thoroughly.

5. Now add peanuts, jaggery and cardamom powder into a blender.

6. Blend well till it becomes fine powder.

7. Transfer it to a bowl.

8. Add melted ghee and mix well to form a dough.

9. Pinch small portions of dough and roll into laddoos.

10. Your peanut ladoos are done and a perfect healthy snack is ready to be served!

Peanut Ladoo is suitable for babies above 1 year and is an ideal  healthy snack for travel. The best part is that, we have used authentic jaggery which adds to the nutritional value of these wholesome ladoos. Who says desserts can’t be healthy? Go ahead and prove them wrong with these mouth watering ladoos!

Wondering how to get this  Organic Jaggery ? Don’t worry, we’ll send it to you! We prepare it fresh as soon as you place your order and deliver it straight to your doorstep.

Buy Now

Peanut Ladoo for Kids [No Sugar Groundnut Ladoo Recipe]   Save Print Get the amazing benefits of nuts in this nutritious Peanut Ladoo for Kids [No Sugar Groundnut Ladoo Recipe], it’s a perfect guilt free snack for toddlers. Author: Hemapriya Recipe type: Dessert Cuisine: Indian INGREDIENTS
  • Peanut / Groundnut - 1 cup
  • Jaggery or Palm jaggery - ¾ cup
  • Cardamom Powder - ¼ tsp
  • Ghee - 1 tbsp. (Melted)
  1. Heat a pan, add peanuts.
  2. Roast for 8 - 9 minutes on low flame until it turns into light golden brown color.
  3. Transfer it into a plate and let it cool.
  4. Peel off the peanut skin thoroughly.
  5. Now add peanuts, jaggery and cardamom powder into a blender.
  6. Blend well till it becomes fine powder.
  7. Transfer it to a bowl.
  8. Add melted ghee and mix well to form a dough.
  9. Pinch small portions of dough and roll into laddoos.
  10. A perfect healthy snack peanut ladoo is ready to be served.
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Filed Under: Dessert, Finger Food, Homemade Snacks, Toddler Food Recipes, Toddler Recipe Tagged With: Groundnut Ladoo Recipe, guilt free ladoo recipe, healthy homemade snacks, healthy ladoo recipe, Peanut Ladoo for Kids, Peanut Ladoo for Kids [No Sugar Groundnut Ladoo Recipe], Peanut Ladoo recipe, Simple after school snack