Peacocks and Tartan — Vintage Wedding Style with a Unique Twist!

By Claire

It shows how to cre­ate an opu­lent bridal look with flow­ers, cakes and sta­tionery. Dis­cover how to cre­ate a vin­tage wed­ding look but add ele­ments such as tar­tan or pea­cock feath­ers to give your wed­ding a unique twist!

This inspi­ra­tion shoot was sent in by Ruth from Finesse Plan­ning in Glouces­ter­shire. All images are by Sup­pli­ers are listed at the end of this post — enjoy!

As a wed­ding plan­ner I often see unusual ele­ments for wed­dings but a spe­cific dress made with a unique green and yel­low tar­tan mate­r­ial cre­ated by A’lissia Cou­ture in Chel­tenham caught my eye straight away. I knew then that I wanted to do a photo shoot fea­tur­ing the dress. Then the oppor­tu­nity arose to cre­ate a photo shoot at a new wed­ding venue, Blais­don Hall so I con­tacted A’lissia Cou­ture. For the theme of the shoot, albeit I usu­ally stay away from vin­tage wed­ding styles, on this occa­sion both the dress and the venue leant itself per­fectly to a Vic­to­ri­ana theme.

I chose to incor­po­rate pea­cock feath­ers into the theme as they were a sign of wealth and opu­lence and cre­ated a real con­trast to the tar­tan. Not the eas­i­est of com­bi­na­tions, but I love a chal­lenge! I pulled in the exper­tise from a num­ber of Glouces­ter­shire based sup­pli­ers to help cre­ate the effect I was look­ing for. By using gor­geous green satin effect mate­r­ial for both the table and sashes on the chairs this was matched to the greens in the pea­cock feath­ers that were used on the place cards, bou­quet and also on the backs of the Vic­to­rian din­ing chairs. An ivory lace slip cloth was used on the table that picked up the lace on the sta­tionery and the flow­ers used to cre­ate the gor­geous cake stand and cloche arrange­ment were picked up and echoed in the amaz­ing cake.

We incor­po­rated lots of vin­tage style cut glass bowls and dishes as well as vin­tage per­fume bot­tles on the writ­ing desk to cre­ate a beau­ti­ful dis­play of flow­ers. The hair­styles were also influ­enced by orig­i­nal Vic­to­rian styles to cre­ate an authen­tic vin­tage wed­ding look but with a mod­ern twist.“

Wed­ding sup­pli­ers involved in the shoot were