Peach Streusel Slab Pie

By Lemon_sugar

Last week was just one of those weeks. We were coming off the first week of school, which is always a bit earth-shattering as we settle back into our normal routines, but we also started our weekend with a funeral. My husband's grandfather passed away, which was sad and complicated and full of all the feels you would expect, and my niece was already five days old and I'd barely even held her yet because I'd been so busy. And then, I threw my back out.

Then halfway through week two of school, my youngest already had her first absence of the school year, a mere five days in, and my other daughter and I didn't feel all that well either. Work has been stressful. The weather was cool and dreary. My house has been messier that I like for a while. Our vacation afterglow has worn off.

So it's just been a week. On Friday, I made a trip to Whole Foods for a bit of retail therapy (yes, sometimes food shopping counts - Dean & Deluca or gourmet baking shops work, too. Oh, and cookbooks.) I got all excited about their peaches, figs, and apples - I think the cooler weather is getting me in the mood for fall baking.

So, I bought 18 peaches.

Yep, 18. I don't know why. Apparently having a blah week calls for peaches.

So, since I have 18 peaches to use up in approximately 36 hours, ('cause organic peaches just don't last long!) I made four peach desserts this weekend.

But you know what? I totally feel better. Baking just does that for me - sounds so dumb, but spending time in the kitchen really does cheer me up. Especially when I'm baking for the blog, or just for me - for no other reason than I just want to be in the kitchen. No stress, no deadlines. Just baking.

Mia even came in and sat with me - she made the streusel and ate about three whole peaches in one sitting. We talked about school and her first spelling test and how much she LOOOVES her first grade teacher. She's sweet.

But ANYWAY, so yes. I had a bad week and now I feel better.

So, peach pie, anyone?

I love slab pies - they're easy and a fun take on the traditional pie - and it took me exactly two seconds to decide on this recipe when I saw that streusel topping. It's so good - cinnamon and sugar and a little crunch from the sliced almonds. Peaches and cinnamon go together perfectly, so the whole thing just worked.

This crust is a bit like a shortbread cookie - not terribly sweet and a bit crumbly - but even better, it's all made in a food processor so it's easy as, well...pie.

Peach pie.


This is a pretty easy recipe - my only advice would be to maybe put some foil underneath your baking sheet just in case the peaches bubble over. And if you really like streusel, double it for a special treat!
