Peace out

By Beachbungalow8 @beachbungalow8

photo credit:: Letty @freefalling

daaaang, but it's cold here in L.A. The kinda cold where your nose is sniffling as the sea breeze gusts from the West at 4 o'clock and you tighten your collar against the cold. It's 'summer' right?
 One of my fondest memories of living in Boston is walking through the North End in the steamy summer night, past old Italian guys on their lawn chairs in front of red brick buildings, the tinny sound of the Sox on their transistors wafting through the blue smoke of  their Swisher Sweets.   ahhh,  summer.
 I'm waiting for these front-porch-woven-foldy-chair-kind-of-evenings. I hope they come soon because I love nothing better than a beach summer in 'Lay. yo.