PCOS Weight Loss Update #2

By Bethtinkerbell @TinksLostGirls

Yay! It’s time for my second update, you can find the first one here.

I was pretty excited when I discovered that I had actually lost some weight this month, it might only have been 3lbs but with having been on holiday last week and not taking my tablets I actually expected to have put weight on. I started off my holiday without thinking what I was eating but I ended up feeling very ill and had to miss out on going to find Nessie on Loch Ness! I did spend the rest of the week watching what I was eating but it was full of white bread, pizza, pasta, pastry, and the like, all the foods that I can no longer eat a lot of without feeling ill.

I wouldn’t say I’ve done much in the way of exercising, i’ve just been doing a walk once a week like I was last month. I should really bust out my exercise dvds, hopefully I’ll be a little more motivated once i’m back in work. I’ve been having a lot of long lie ins and staying in my pj’s all day until my mom is due home.

You could say i’ve been skipping meals, when i’m at home I don’t feel hungry and so i’ll just have a little bit of something when I get up and then I won’t eat until tea time. I think this probably hasn’t helped with my weight loss, i’m sure my body thinks i’m starving it but sitting on the sofa doesn’t use up much energy so I don’t need to eat much.

I have dropped dress size a little, I wouldn’t say i’ve completely dropped a dress size, but I am fitting into a lot more size 20 clothes than I was previously, and I even fitted into a few size 18 clothes in Primark the other week. I bought a few new items of clothing before I went to Scotland and I bought them in a size 20 which felt amazing! It’s been a long time since i’ve gone straight to the size 20’s and not looked at the 22’s, it feels really nice to buy them and have them fit comfortably, i’m not squeezing myself into them!

Wow! This is much shorter than the last update.

Tink x