pCloud Pricing Plans 2022: Is Lifetime Subscription Worth It?

Posted on the 19 October 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

If you're looking for a cloud storage solution that is affordable yet still offers plenty of features, pCloud is worth considering. The company offers a wide range of pricing plans to suit a variety of needs, and there are plenty of ways to get started with the service. Whether you're just looking for a place to store your files or you want to take advantage of the pCloud multimedia features, there's a plan that's perfect for you. So, what are you waiting for? Check out the pCloud pricing plans today!

pCloud Overview - All You Need to Know Before Buying

When I tried the service, I discovered that it was simple to use and far faster than its rivals when it came to uploading and downloading.

Additionally, pCloud's pricing tiers are reasonable, if a little convoluted. Additionally, there are cost-cutting choices such as lifetime or annual billing. Those searching for free cloud storage will appreciate that pCloud gives up to 10 GB of free storage, which is five times the amount offered by Dropbox and TwoDrive, respectively.

However, I was underwhelmed with pCloud's lack of sophisticated collaboration features and customer support alternatives, which may pose a problem for enterprises and teams. If you can ignore these shortcomings, pCloud remains a credible competitor among the finest cloud storage systems available.

On pCloud, you may backup and sync every file you store. If you have more than one device linked to the same account, any changes you make on one device will be reflected on all connected devices. pCloud Rewind avoids unintentional file deletions by keeping track of prior versions of files, which you may simply recover or download.

Additionally, using pCloud, you may sync file and folder copies on your device, in the cloud, or both. Additionally, you may opt to move certain files entirely to the cloud to save disk space.

Manually backing up your files and folders would be inconvenient. Fortunately, the extensive backup function of pCloud operates automatically. You'll be able to choose which files and folders to back up. The selected folders are then backed up in real-time, as you modify the files. If your network connection is lost, pCloud will continue to store your changes until you reconnect.

Additionally, the app has an innovative Social Backups function that enables you to import all of your data from other cloud storage providers directly into pCloud. This functionality is useful if you're currently using Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive and want to test out pCloud. Additionally, Social backup protects your images from social networking sites such as Instagram and Facebook.

Users may easily share files and folders using pCloud. You may utilize a generated link to invite visitors to a shared folder or file. If you allow recipients' permission, they may preview and download the file. Additionally, links may be time-limited or password-protected to ensure that only authorized users can read them.

Regrettably, pCloud does not support real-time collaboration or integration with popular document editing applications like Microsoft Office or Google Docs.

pCloud is distinguished by its integrated media capabilities, which set it apart from its competitors. Its integrated audio player enables you to listen to audio files directly from the UI. You may build playlists, search for a song or performer, or shuffle tracks while you listen to music on the move. Similarly, from inside pCloud's UI, you may access the video player. Additionally, a picture-in-picture mode enables you to perform other tasks while watching videos.

pCloud protects all files using TLS/SSL and 256-bit AES encryption. Additionally, you may set up two-factor authentication for your account. Additionally, customers may choose for pCloud Crypto, an add-on service that gives a private encryption key for end-to-end encryption of their files and folders. Before files are uploaded, they are encrypted, and no one but you has access to them.

You can read our full-fledge pCloud Review now.

pCloud Pricing:

They have two different types of pricing plans to offer. All these plans include -

  • 30 days trash history: Track and restore older versions of the files in your pCloud account.
  • Shared link branding: Customize shared links with your title, image, headline, and description.
  • Fair share: Shared folders use storage only from the owner of the folder.

1. Annual -

  • Premium 500 GB: This one will cost you $ 49.99 per year. It is best for sharing large files regularly. This one will include 500 GB of shared link traffic.
  • Premium Plus 2 TB: This one will cost you $ 99.99 per year. It is best for power users to regularly exchange large files. This one will include 2 TB shared link traffic.

2. Lifetime -

  • Premium 500 GB: This one will cost you $ 175 per year. It is best for sharing large files regularly. This one will include 500 GB of shared link traffic.
  • Premium Plus 2 TB: This one will cost you $ 350 per year. It is best for power users to regularly exchange large files. This one will include 2 TB shared link traffic.

Is pCloud Worth the Price?

Yes, pCloud is definitely worth the price. Here are some of the reasons that make pCloud worth its price -

Sharing files and folders is a breeze with pCloud. You may create download or upload links to send to anyone in your contact list with a single click or touch. This enables them to download your files or collaborate with you on files in the allocated folder.

You may even ask them to co-manage a work-related folder. This is an excellent remote working solution for serious business users.

Typically, when you want to upload files to your cloud storage account, you must go through the tedious process of clicking and selecting your files individually via the interface.

I discovered that uploading files to pCloud is as simple as dragging and dropping them on the web interface or virtual disk.

Additionally, pCloud includes a media player plugin that enables a simple listing, organization, and playing of video, image, and audio files.

In terms of data storage, whether you operate a company with a large number of files to manage or just want a place to keep your files without taking up valuable computer space, you can use pCloud to securely archive your valuable data.

With pCloud's high level of network security, the extra benefit of Crypto encryption for important data, and a lifetime membership option, you can store all your critical data permanently and yet have simple access to it from any device of your choice.

If you have a large amount of data and insufficient storage capacity on your computer equipment, you may want to consider getting an external hard drive to archive it all. However, having a physical device makes it difficult to work or transfer data when on the road.

Instead, how about a virtual hard drive that includes internet access, seamless data synchronization, and integrated file sharing?

I discovered the solution in pCloud Drive, a desktop program that enables you to store your files and folders online like having an additional hard drive on your computer, but with the added benefit of being instantly available online at any time and from any location.

In terms of other platforms, have you gotten a chance to try out pCloud's mobile app yet? The program has a straightforward layout that puts the simplicity of uploading, organizing, and sharing our files at our fingers.

For instance, when you touch the top left corner to open the left slide-in menu, you'll see four options for accessing the various file types available through your device: document, audio, video, and visual.

No concerns if you've already utilized a Cloud storage service such as Google Drive or Dropbox. Additionally, pCloud is capable of exchanging data with other third-party services and allowing for easy uploads from other websites.

This category contains social networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Picasa. For instance, when we linked to Facebook, our albums were backed up and the folder structure was preserved, with Facebook photos grouped in their folders.

They are also considering connecting themselves with WordPress backup services in the future, so it seems as though pCloud will soon be able to link to other regularly used internet sites and services.

One of pCloud's advantages is that it runs on all major digital platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, and even mobile operating systems such as Android, iOS, and Windows mobile. Additionally, using pCloud's auto-sync function, all files are automatically updated.

Consider the following scenario: You are working from home on your laptop on a PowerPoint presentation for an important meeting. Then, when you take the cab to the meeting, you get fresh information and must update your slides throughout the commute.

Simply open pCloud on your mobile device, go to the PowerPoint file, and make the necessary changes. When you visit it again from your laptop, it will already be updated.

Consider a similar circumstance in which you need to update a file but do not have access to your laptop or mobile device. Your neighbor has opened his laptop and offers to let you use it for a few minutes. However, since your cloud storage account is restricted to your laptop and mobile device, you'll have to pay additional fees to access it from another device... or will you?

I explored that option with pCloud and was pleasantly delighted to discover that our files could be accessed from several devices at no additional fee.

Certain cloud storage services bind your account to a certain computer, laptop, or mobile device. I was pleasantly delighted to see that my data was accessible from several devices without incurring additional expenses.

In an era where files holding sensitive information may be hacked, glanced at, and even stolen or changed, security is critical for cloud storage users, and pCloud provides the finest with its client-side encryption service, pCloud Crypto.

To clarify, all cloud providers employ Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) TLS/ SSL 256 bit encryption, which protects your data throughout their passage from your device to the cloud storage system.

Without the encryption key, anybody intercepting this file on its route to cloud storage will be unable to see it.

However, that is the extent of it. Once uploaded to the cloud storage server, the data is restored to its original format, which means that anybody with access to the server may view it. This includes not only pCloud employees but also any law enforcement or government officials who have legal access.

pCloud takes data security to a new level by including an optional tool called pCloud Crypto that provides encryption capabilities to you, the customer.

This program allows you to encrypt a file on your computer or mobile device before forwarding it to a storage location for storage. To unlock it, you'll need to enter the created CryptoPass key.

Thus, even after information is encrypted and decrypted again during the transfer process, it retains pCloud Crypto to protect it from unauthorized access by anybody who does not possess your CryptoPass key.

One reason individuals use cloud storage as a backup tool is to ensure they never lose a file due to a virus, corruption, mistake, or just storing the incorrect version of an essential file.

pCloud ensures that you always have an undamaged duplicate of your file accessible for download by keeping five distinct copies of any file you upload on their servers in three different places within a secure data center facility in Dallas, Texas. It is the ultimate security against data loss, theft, and corruption.

Additionally, don't you despise it when you're working on a file and it becomes incorrect due to a mistake? However, your original work is now gone because you saved over it?

Additionally, pCloud offers a function called pCloud Rewind that maintains your file history for 30 days, allowing you to simply revert to a prior version if you made a mistake with the current version and saved or mistakenly deleted your file.

For long-term projects, you may optionally purchase the extended file history (EFH) add-on, which stores prior file versions for up to 360 days in case anything goes wrong.

pCloud Pros and Cons:

pCloud Pros

    pCloud is compatible with all devices, including laptops, desktop computers, smartphones, and tablets. Additionally, it has a robust online version, which means you may access it from anywhere and at any time!
    When it comes to music streaming, Pcloud media players are among the finest.
    If your valuable data are accidentally deleted or corrupted, pCloud's Rewind function allows you to restore your account to any time during the last 30 days.
    If selected, pCloud will automatically backup your social media accounts and files, ensuring that you never lose data again.
    pCloud's user interface is solid, well-organized, and quite simple to use.
    pCloud's services are available for a 14-day trial period. Therefore, you may test it out if you're unsure about investing in one of its premium plans at the moment. Additionally, with my pCloud Coupon, you can get 90 days for $5.
    Optional Zero-Knowledge Encryption is included. pCloud is one of the few cloud storage providers that allow users to choose which files should be secured with zero knowledge. Additionally, it handles encrypted as well as unencrypted files.
    With new account registrations, you have the option of selecting your preferred data center location. Europe is the favored destination for the majority of users.
    pCloud is an excellent value. Its lifetime plans provide excellent value for money!
    With pCloud, sharing your files becomes very easy and safe. You may modify upload permissions, configure passwords and expiration dates for shared links, and see link statistics, among other things.
    With Europe-based infrastructure, pCloud is now able to provide faster speeds around the world.
    pCloud's synchronization capabilities are among the finest available. It supports both selective sync and block-level sync.

pCloud Cons

    You must pay an extra fee to access its premium features such as pCloud Crypto or Extended File History.


If we look at the total aspect, then PCloud storage is the finest among the newcomers in cloud services. Though it is not ideal for companies with self-hosted servers, nonetheless it is most suited for retail, tech, insurance, education, or legal enterprises.

The implementation and inclusion of all aspects are as per the promised safekeeping. The customer support services are provided via 24/7 email support or customer care lines listed on the Contact Us page.

The user-friendly interface is the strong element that should be regarded when purchasing this product. The protection of encrypted data is another good feature of this full service.

The accessibility of all the folders across multiple devices readily collaborates on one platform. The preceding critique of pCloud holds strong on its elements, interface, security, support, and speed. It is surely not included among the greatest providers in cloud storage but is not trailing behind in following their footsteps.

I sincerely hope this article cleared the pricing of pCloud for you and helped decide whether pCloud is worth your money or not. Please let me know in the comment section if you enjoyed pCloud or not.

pCloud FAQs: