Paying The Price Now…

By Dailydoseofmusings @mythoughts4sure
I have some of the most vile, disgusting, nasty, green fog, odorific, horrid, peas and carrots, rank, putrifying, awful, beastly, black, dirty, disagreeable, disgusting, fierce, filthy, foul, god-awful, grody, gross, grubby, hellish, horrible, horrid, icky, impure, loathsome, lousy, malodorous, mephitic, mung, murder, murderous, nauseating, noisome, objectionable, obnoxious, obscene, odious, ornery, outrageous, poison, polluted, raunchy, repellent, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, rough, sickening, soiled, squalid, stinking, tough, unappetizing, unclean, uncleanly, ungodly, unholy, unpleasant, vile, vulgar, coarse, filthy, foul, gross, immodest, immoral, improper, impure, indecorous, indelicate, lascivious, lewd, licentious, obscene, pornographic, raunchy, ribald, scatological, shameful, smutty, unseemly, vulgar, wicked yucky, abusive, annoying, bad-tempered, beastly, bitchy, critical, cruel, despicable, disagreeable, distasteful, evil, fierce, hateful, malevolent, malicious, malign, malignant, ornery, owly, ruthless, sarcastic, sordid, spiteful, squalid, unkind, unpleasant, vicious, vile, wicked gas today.
Look the fuck out, because you know it’s bad when you can’t stand your own brand.
....Damn Fajitas - 7 or 8 might have been too many!  ....This message was brought to you in our ongoing pursuit of personal awareness.