Pay It Forward: Help Youngsters Keeley & Connor After Their Mother’s Murder

By Christina Carathanassis @cbellescloset

Pay It Forward: Help Keeley (6) & Connor (4) live after their mother's murder

We get by with a little help from our friends...this new section of our blog features people in need of funds to help cover costs for medical bills, emergencies, memorials and more.

Even $5 can help - maybe skip your Starbucks in the morning and help this family instead? I did.

Keeley and Connor McShane have lost their mother Kristen McShane at the hand of their father. These young children (6 and 4 years respectively) are now left without 2 parents. Please help to fund their future and the funeral for their mother.

See story

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ChristabellesCloset.comchristina carathanassisconnor mcshanedonate moneygofundme.comhelp a neighborkeeley mcshaneKristen McShane murdermcshane murderpay it forward

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