Paulaner Salvator Review

By Boozedancing @boozedancing

On today's episode of A Tasting at The Murder Table, we're sampling a beer that's been brewed for over 375 years. It comes from Paulaner which is in Munich, Germany, which is in Europe. You know Europe. It's as Eddie Izzard once say, "Where the history comes from...".

The name of this particular Paulaner beer (or bier, as they spell it in Germany. While we're on the subject of spelling, Germans call their homeland Deutschland, and the people of Munich call their city München, and they put a couple of little dots over the "u". FYI, those little dots are called an umlaut) is called Salvator. Here's what the fine folks at Paulaner have to say about it...

Paulaner's brewing history begins with Salvator. It was the Paulaner monks who invented this unfiltered, bottom-fermented double bock. This bier has been brewed for over 375 years - always adhering to the original recipe, with only a few small refinements over the years. Brewed from dark malt barley also known as "Munich malt" is where the bier's dark, chestnut color comes from. Salvator has a mild, sweet aroma of chocolate and imparts a distinctively bold, robust flavor. It goes well with hearty meals.

If they've been making this beer for over 375 years, it has to be good, right? Well, at least we HOPE it's good. To find out what we thought of this centuries-old brew, click the play button on the following video:

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Many thanks to Paulaner USA for sending us this very generous sample!

Categories: Booze Dancing TV, Brew Review, Paulaner

Tagged as: A Tasting at the Murder Table, Beer, Beer review, Booze Dancing TV, double bock, German Beer, Paulaner, Paulaner Salvator, Review, Reviews, YouTube