Pattern Mixing: Polka Dots & Plaid

By Verybusymama @verybusymama
Happy Monday!
Today is all about pattern mixing - very simple to do and my advice: DON'T BE SCARED!
I think that is what holds many of us back. I know that was my reason for sticking to black and white for so many years, I always felt someone would mock me or that I wasn't "worthy" of rocking out some amazing look and I always complained that "nothing fit". But I'm more confident in myself (I suppose I should be, I'm in my 30's and it's about time!) and I've learned to put that ridiculous fear aside. 
Back in May I dared to wear a striped blazer over a flowered dress - I wasn't too sure about it, but I thought, "ahhh, what the hell" and I went for it. I had so many compliments and people saying they too were going to try mixing it up. Even my mother who "doesn't get the style these days" says she is getting used to the mixing look and has even started doing a bit of a wardrobe mash up herself.
On Saturday I had an early work event to attend then a brunch with local blog friends. I knew I wanted to wear my boots and jeans, but wasn't sure what was going to go up top. 
So I just took 5 minutes to look in the mirror and see if I liked the mixing of plaid and polka dots -- mmmm? Still not sure, but again, I thought, why not? So I did! Then added my AMAZING new Stella & Dot Sierra Necklace from my stylist and friend Kristin Biggs and off I went. 
Blazer H&M Polka Dot Turtle Neck Joules UK Sierra Necklace Stella & Dot (Kristin Biggs) Heidi Klum Motherhood Maternity Jeans Etienne Aigner Wide Calf Boots Dark Orange Bag Zina Boutique

Nothing is new and everything is non-maternity except for the jeans. 
I re-shop my closet over and over again because I tend to forget what's in there and because I can't really be out shopping all the time. So I have to get creative with what I have.
Some people like cooking and coming up with recipes, others like to paint and draw - I enjoy getting creative with clothes and I hope you get inspired and try mixing it up this holiday season.
Go on, take a chance!