Patrick Dimpsey Malibu Home From the Early Works of Architect Frank Gehry | Celebrity Homes

By Saharg @Saharghazale


Patrick Dempsey, the famous actor from Grey’s Anatomy, and his wife, were looking for a nice home with a little land and a house with some architectural significance. The place they finally decided on was a charming simple house originally designed by non other than famous architect Frank Gehry back in 1968 before he became one of the iconic architects of our time.


"We really admired what the Glasscocks had done and wanted to respect their vision," Patrick says of the former residents, who still live in the area, where they own the Ranch at Live Oak Malibu, an award-winning fitness resort. "So we decided to give Scott a chance to expand on his master plan for the landscape."

When the Dempsey’s bought the house, the outdoors became a family fun zone, with a broad, flat lawn for soccer games, an alfresco kitchen with a pizza oven, a breezy dining area topped by a canopy of woven wicker, and coops, hutches, and other enclosures for the Dempseys’ ever-growing menagerie of chickens, miniature donkeys, rabbits, goats, pigs, and one rescued African tortoise.


For more details Check the article on Architectural Digest (March 2014 issue)