Actress Patricia Heaton, who plays Edith the cow in the animated movie “The Star” about the first Christmas, recently sat down with Faithwire to discuss the upcoming film, and of course the political climate of America.
From Faithwire:
Heaton shared with the site on Friday that Americans are “in difficult political times” and that she believes Christmas is a great opportunity to more deeply explore the meaning of life.
“Not to get depressing [but] life is short and I think it’s important to realize that you have to think beyond just today, just this minute, a vision about the world and your future and what you’re contributing to the world,” Heaton said. “Our lives here are really brief and the story of the nativity is about all of that and this gift we were given through the birth of Christ and his work on the cross that imbues every aspect of our life with meaning.”
The actress went on to say that “every life has meaning” and that “every person was created with specific gifts, big and small.” Heaton, who has been know to speak out in defense of life, said that everyone can make an impact on society.
“We can all affect the course of history through our actions and wherever God has put us,” she said. “And that’s very clear in the nativity story — the creator of the universe entered the world through a poor family, in the poorest of circumstances and he changed the world and saved the world.”
Make sure to catch Patricia Heaton in “The Star” when it releases in theaters Nov. 17th