Patient Advocacy in Clinical Trials in CLL (chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia)

By Bkoffman
Today on the CLL Society website, we share an interview with Laura Cleveland, a CLL patient whom I interviewed at the CLL Society and Leukemia and Lymphoma Society sponsored patient dinner held the night before the CRC (CLL Research Consortium) patient forum in San Diego in April 2015. We discussed the role of patient advocacy in clinical trials for CLL. Please take a look here to see the interview. Although it is 5 weeks away, we're busy filling our schedule with meetings with other CLL and Lymphoma organizations, reviewing abstracts and scheduling interviews at the American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting in Orlando. Simultaneously, we are putting together the next issue of The CLL Tribune, due out after ASH. If you haven't had a chance to peruse the first issue, you can access it here. If you have questions you like addressed in future newsletters, OR would be willing to answer 5 questions in our Reader Poll about the CLL Society website, OR would be interested in writing an article for future newsletters, please go to the Ask & Tell section. Our goal is to fulfill the unmet needs of the CLL community, so we always welcome your feedback and questions. SAVE THE DATE: If you live in the Los Angeles area, please consider attending a post-ASH patient education forum and CLL Society LA support group launch in conjunction with City of Hope scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 12, 2015. A flyer with more details will be posted in the next week or 2. Finally, if you are receiving this email through a CLL Society Alert, you are all set. If you are receiving this through another method and haven't already, please sign up here. Also, please forward this email to a fellow patient or caregiver who might benefit from knowing more about CLL. Another reason to make sure all the folks that might be helped sign on is that we will be posting a backlog of great lectures and interviews and articles on CLL over the next few months leading up to ASH and this alert is your best friend in knowing what new material we have posted. Stay strong.
We are all this together
Brian Koffman
Volunteer Medical Director of the CLL Society
http://cllsociety.orghttp://bkoffman.blogspot.comIf you want a personal response, or just want to stay in touch, please email me at I have no other way of contacting. Thanks. Stay strong. After all, we are all in this together. And please visit our website: for the latest news and information.