Pat Hauldren Editor and Writer Extraordinaire

By Brigittethompson

Pat Hauldren, known to her friends as Alley, joins us today from Grand Prairie, Texas. She is a talented freelance writer, editor and writing teacher who wears many hats.
Through her web site , Alley offers a variety of services including full line-by-line editing, proofreading, transcription, newsletter writing and design, ghostwriting and customized social media planning. She can also design web sites and create content for them.
She is currently copyeditor at Cyberwizard Publications, editor for the newsletter of a local chapter of RWA, and freelance writer for the
- What is your favorite genre?
My favorite genre is science fiction and fantasy, or as we are calling it now, speculative fiction. My first SF was unintentional. In grade school, we lived in a small town in the piney woods of East Texas. Small town meant small library, which meant, small selection of books. At the time, I was reading horse stories (you know, Flicka and all that.), but one Friday afternoon, before catching the bus for the hour ride home, I grabbed several books I assumed to be the ones I wanted. Well, I did want them, after the fact. I had selected several Heinlein’s young adult books like Have Space Suit, Will Travel & Starship Troopers. Speculative fiction has been an addiction ever since.
- Can you tell us about your new position as writer for the Sy Fy Channel at the Examiner?
I write Speculative Fiction and call myself a Mythologist because when I world-build, I have to create the legends and myths of my world. Even when writing contemporary fantasy, I delve into human history, legends, myths, and fables to weed out those intriguing nuggets that suggest gem of possibilities for a fantastical world or culture.
Please visit me at the Sy Fy Channel Examiner -- SyFy Channel read more about my world.
As if all this wasn’t keeping her busy, Alley writes for other channels at the Examiner including:

Fort Worth Writing Examiner
Fort Worth Hockey Examiner
Dallas Speculative Fiction Examiner
Dallas Women's Sports Examiner
Where can writers go online to learn more about writing and editing?
I have created, organized, and moderate several online and live writers’ workshops. Some of the online workshops are:
• DFW_Authors ~ for writers in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area of Texas
• NTRWA ~ for members of the North Texas Speculative Fiction Workshop
• SFF_Writers ~ for Science Fiction & Fantasy writers world-wide
• SFF_Texas ~ for Science Fiction & Fantasy writers in the Texas area
• Texas-Writers ~ information and networking for Texas area writers, editors, agents, publishers
• Texas Writers Classifieds ~ writers resources including freelance writing & editing jobs, publishing & marketing news, special events, booksignings, workshops, writing contests, and seminars.
• Writing & Publishing ~ for writers, editors, agents, & publishers all around the world.
Alley, you are one busy woman! I’ve enjoyed learning more about you and your writing. Having just subscribed to your SyFy channel, I’m looking forward to reading your creative writing as well.
Readers can contact Alley at , Google Voice: 214.444.8916, Skype: Pat Hauldren and online at