Pastor Kelly - The Gun Rights Movement's Best Friend

Posted on the 16 October 2012 by Mikeb302000
ABC News reports on Pastor Kelly of St. Petersburg, Florida. He's the one whose daughter was killed in his church by Moises Zambrano's negligence.
Now, I'm all for forgiveness. I think it's wonderful. But it shouldn't be offered at the cost of accountability and responsibility. When someone forgets there's a round in the chamber and ends up killing a young girl, there should be some accountability.  That person should go to jail and lose their gun rights, not get off scott free and enjoy the embrace and forgiveness of the victim's father.  That's just wrong.
Pastor Kelly holds God responsible but not the shooter.  That's sick. He compared the incident in which an unfit concealed carry permit holder negligently fired his gun resulting in the death of his daughter to a lightning strike that took the life of another kid.
Pastor Kelly should be on the board of the NRA with that kind of thinking.
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