Passion Fruit Cocktail

By Alip @alisonpikeGD

I have had a bottle of passion fruit liqueur sat on what is now a heaving (in fact slightly bowing) shelf of spirits.  I got it originally for a cocktail I intended to make but never did.  As it is one of the few unopened bottles I thought no better time than a gray cold November evening to open this brightly coloured bottle full of exotic flavour!

Passion Fruit Cocktail

50ml Vodka
50ml freshly pressed apple juice
15ml Chambord
15ml Passion Fruit liqueur
½ fresh passion fruit

This is very easy to make.  Put all the liquid ingredients in a shaker with plenty of ice.  Shake.  Pour into glass.  Squeeze over the fresh passion fruit so you get those lovely seeds that give you a great crunch.  Sit back and think of a warm summers day (don’t use this year as your reference!)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.  I’m nursing a poorly neck and have been told to lay off the digging…..I’m itching to prepare the ground for my raspberry canes and fruit bushes arriving in a couple of weeks time but it will have to wait.