It's been far too long I know. I have a million reasons why I have not visited this space of late and yet none of any real consequence. I could be here though if I really thought I needed to. But I suppose that is it, the feeling that I perhaps don't rely on this space as much as I used to. A choice between immersing myself in a beautiful world full of memories, notes and pictures, or the physical world, with all of it's ups and downs, laughter and sorrow, smiles, tears, hugs, movement and conversations (not to mention fatigue, sleeplessness and the occasional ache or pain!). At the moment I am choosing this physical world. Which is not to say that I won't be back here at some time, although now is not that time. I will know when it is, and you may catch me dropping in then.
In the meantime, I feel terrible about letting the Slow Living Monthly 9 link up slide, and don't think that it's fair that even though I am not here to host, those of you who enjoy linking up are missing out. So in the spirit of sharing, I am offering the link-up to one bloggy person who is willing to take it on. Passing the baton, so to speak, which could be rather apt, considering the commencement of the Commonwealth Games.
Are you interested? Send me an email: slowlivingessentials(at)hotmail(dot)com
What would be involved? Basically the same as what you have been doing up until now, writing your monthly post using the nine banners, as found here. With the only exception, including a small piece of code at the bottom of your post that allows fellow bloggers to link in. I can either continue to use my link account to supply the code, or you may create your own account with a linking service of your choosing.
You may also change the name of the link up to suit the theme of your blog, however, by offering this link up, I request that the original nine banners remain in tact. You may add extra though if you choose to (I know a couple of you already do).
Still interested? Send me an email! If there are a number of responses showing interest in hosting the link up, I will choose one blogger who I think will carry it on well. Let me know! The alternative is that the link up dissolves into nothing and loses the little community that has formed within it. I think it would be awful to see this happen. Help save the Slow Living Monthly 9!
I would also hope to link up from time to time, too.
Do you feel ready to pick up the baton and run with it?
Yours in Slow Living,
Christine x