Party Submission: "A Very British Farewell Party" by The Little Oak Tree

By Littlebigcompany1 @littlebigcompny
The Little Oak Tree styled and catered a very British farewell party for a young woman heading to London for a year. The guest of honor was so touched having all her friends and family around she said it will now be so much harder for her to leave!
The party was themed on the highly popular Keep Calm and Carry On poster produced by the British government in 1939 during the beginning of the Second World War, intended to raise the morale of the British public in the event of invasion. It only had a limited distribution, and was therefore little known. The drink station was designed with glasses that the guests could keep all day and re-use.
The name tags on each drink were designed to match the London transport signage. The labels came in handy for each of the guests to remember each others name. Just look at the fabulous suitcase cake that Trudy the cake maker designed and created. It was so gorgeous that some of the guests thought it was a prop and not actually the cake! This was a red velvet cake with cream cheese ganache.
On the dessert table featured: ~ Individual Raspberry English Trifles ~ Tunnocks Tea Cakes ~ Scottish shortbread ~ Lovely Jubbly Lindt Milk Chocolate Bars ~ Freshly baked scones with double cream and Hanks Raspberry Jam ~ Keep Calm and Eat Sweeties - Departure lolly bags filled with toffees
 On the Table they created a wall of envelopes styled as a very abstract Union Jack. The idea being that guests could write a farewell note, pick an envelope of their choice on the wall and then seal it with a sticker. The envelopes are to remain sealed until Heather arrives in London. One of the guests got quite creative with the stickers!

Yes it's a cake! An amazing suitcase cake