Party Business People Have Party Constipation & Cramps

By Carlo @CarloAtYourServ
It's Monday. So yeah, right. Okay. Like, as if. 

As if you didn't know that it's Monday and what I post about on Monday's. Really, as if. 

Oh and here's the Cater-Hater Reader Advisory: about Party Mad Monday posts... so you know what you're getting yourself into; reading this post. 

You probably didn't know that I'm a gangster. That's right, I am. I'm a party gangster... ganging up on all of the people in the party industry who aren't 100% pro-consumer, but are posing (pretending) and acting like they are - and serving up lip-service about being for you and not against you. And like I said... yeah... sure thing... right.

You know I've been watching them; PBO's - party business owners and most party industry members. So, please... can more self-righteous tight-assed, uptight and worried more about themselves than about you, the party consumers, party business owner-people offer you "sales" and "discounts", trying their darnedest to appeal to you, or what? Please? I promise you, I don't think there's enough Phillips Milk of Magnesia made and sold on the market to un-constipate these confused and as a result, cramped up people.

Here are a few of my observations: 
1.) It appears that the idea of asking Joanna and John Q. Consumer what you want; is a good idea to us; but the last thing on their minds - the minds of business owners in the party industry. And here's the problem. They think something is wrong with you, Joanna and John Q. Consumer. They think the average party consumer is a dumb-ass fool with no taste, that needs to be hand-held throughout the entire process of planning and producing a party. And the fact is, Joanna and John Q. Consumer, otherwise known as you, don't care about them and their self-serving agenda anyway. You just want to be treated fairly, and with respect. 

Now is it just me? Or, does anyone else agree that their format of how to operate a party business, for the most part, is antiquated - because it doesn't put you, as their customer, first? Instead of hanging out with each other at workshops taking classes about how to get you in their doors, and attending conferences about how to reach you using social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter, or attending trade shows that are actually about them and have nothing to do with you (firsthand) in the first place, they should try hanging out with you - then at least we could give them credit for being smart enough to do that much (if nothing else).

2.) Lets be logical here. It's pretty damn obvious that the whole "let's put everything we can think of under the sun on sale and offer "loss leader" stuff we don't want at a discount" thing sounds like a smart idea to them. It's clear to see how they think: Party Business Owner: "C'mon... why don't these stupid, cheap-ass people (you), who won't spend money on parties, agree with our tactics, instead of thinking that what we offer them to spend money on and our prices are completely stupid?" So-Called "Average" Party Customer: "At first, I thought I would have them help me plan and cater my party, but now... never mind, even though I'm busy - I'll just do everything myself." Party Business Employee: "Sale? What's this "sale" thing they're talking about? If this was a real sale, then someone please tell me why they're not marking down something that people might really want. You mean, I just inventoried this new junk into the system; stuff that they want me to try to pawn off on people, just to get them to spend money, that is... if we can even get them in the door? This crap isn't even well made!" So-Called "Average" Party Customer: "I'd never hire them. Would you? They say that caterers food sucks! Do you think they're gonna have a free bar at the (wedding) reception? Cos it's either get drunk for free or eat before you go." So-Called Average Party Customer to Party Business People: "Aww... go stuff it! You're dreaming if you think I'm spending one penny on anything you have to offer! I can go to the nearest party supply store, buy what I need, take it home (and cook my own food to boot!), and probably do just as good a job as you (would/could), if not better." 

This is kind of not true for PBO's.

3.) Could these party business owner-people have looked anymore pathetic? Maintaining status quo, they've made a mess of things. I mean... it's pretty clear, we do run their lives (at least while they're in a party profession). 

Look guys, I liked how they did things, at one point. But I have to tell you that I worked for a company that had the creme de la creme of Hollywood clientele and was so far removed from reality and the average real party customer that you wouldn't have believed it. I do recall working one "normal" party back then. It was with a different company that had clientele that weren't all millionaires and billionaires. How the fancy catering company I worked for would have probably referred to it; calling their clients "regular customers"; this regular customer pulled off throwing a wedding reception in their back yard, walled with neutral color painted cinder blocks, where we served inexpensive Korbel Brut champagne to the guests. 

Now, more of these kind of celebrations would make me proud to be a caterer/event planner again. Things went quite well. It was a helluva wedding reception. The catering company did a good job, considering the budget. The main thing I remember was that cement wall and the cheap champagne. And how happy the bride, groom, and guests were. I mean... I still like parties, even if I didn't, and don't agree with how some of the party insiders do things. But on everything I love, I promise you, I cannot get behind people who are short-sighted, and self-serving, who think they're entitled (to things staying like they've been), that won't change. 

See, I hate to break it to you... but Barbie is fake. - Courtesy of  +eddi aguirre 

What we need here is some party customer love and empathy, not the equivalent of Finagle's Law of Dynamic Negatives playing out against themselves again. That law is essentially similar to Cater-Hater's Rule of Party No-No's: As the party industry players grow older, it's feeble minded members are actually living in a "Anything that could go wrong, will" kind of world. And while we're at it, I hereby declare Party Mad Monday's the official day of the week for griping and overall bitchassness toward party business owners ignorance: If, at any time during the week, any party business owner invokes more stupidity than they've already displayed toward their customers or potential customers, they  should automatically be pimp-slapped across the face, repeatedly, as any hurtscore should. With the quickness. And after that, what would be perfect would be for the "as fake as Barbie" party business owner population to be taken to B.F., Egypt and left there. This also applies if any PBO says anything even remotely mean-spirited about party consumers. Quit doing that. That's enough of that kind of crap already. 
4) The party-people/party players: 

Party Business Owners: Can you tell they used to be who you are? If you notice, they seem to have forgotten that they're in business to serve you now; not in business to be self-serving idiots that have forgotten who butters their bread. How stupid. They need to pretend to channel being a person with a sensitivity chip who gives a rat's fanny. If this is someone you feel sorry for, re-think that. They've decided to be who they are, just like you have. You should expect this type of behavior, actually. Some of them are chefs and many chefs have an attitude, holier than thou problem. It's too bad. A different approach just might make you guys decide to call some of them. 

Party Business Employee: Check this out... they're against party business owners - this week. Many of these people are in the wrong profession. Secretly, they're thinking... if they had the start-up money, they would be the next generation of party business owners.

Courtesy of +Hugh MacLeod

5) and last, Cater-Hater Party Mad Monday Loyalists: Pissed off, they're madder than a wet hen, and you've got to admire how they stick to their guns about how they feel about what they believe in. 

They've got big cahoona's (balls, for those who didn't know), I tell you; showing others the way to Party Mad Monday's posts by being trendsetter readers, leading the rest of the party "sheep" into the fold and not into party business owner "slaughterhouse". They have a "we don't care what you think" attitude that leaves the party industry insiders thinking, "Whattha? Who let these up-starts have a platform? Damn that Google+! Argh! Good grief, somebody please help us! Why has God forsaken us?" They crack me up laughing.

For real though, if you think that people in the party industry are looking out for your best interest and fair, think again. If you really want to see crazy lunatic dumb-ass party hi-jinks, watch some of their sales and discounts. Not to fail to mention, think about their prices. But knowing you guys, you already have.
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I do this... I write to help to create to opportunities for all of you who choose to pursue your passion to have parties, also taking into account today's economic constraints.

I think if we keep talking about the cost of parties (I write the blog posts, you write comments), together, maybe we can break down some of the party industry's price barriers and shame some of the people who've taken your money and delivered a poor quality product right into growing a conscious and treating you right (nice thought, huh?).

Opportunities to be inspired about parties are everywhere. Yet, people looking out for your wallet are few and far between. My goal is to inspire you, causing you to question the way things are that have been the status quo for too long. When we stand together and speak up, we can be a powerful force.

Let's keep the conversation of change going. Because in the sea of everyone talking, one voice is a whisper... several voices are a scream.

Leave a comment and share your thoughts, ideas and suggestions below. Remember to be as specific as possible because what you have to say helps us all.

Always... be encouraged and encourage others too,

“Innovation is oxygen.” - Hugh MacLeod

Image sources: Google+

party business owners, party ! - business owners, party consumers, party, party: consumers, party - consumers, party business employees, party, business, employees, party's business employees, party's business, employees, party mad monday, party mad monday's, party's mad monday: Technorati Tags
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