Paronychia Finger Pulp Infection Causes Kate Pain

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Thanks to all who helped Kate’s worried mom earlier on the group, she has a  Paronychia finger pulp infection and is now on antibiotics.

Two days ago my ten year old daughter came to me saying her finger hurt. Looking at it I could see a spot or what I thought might be a bite. It looked like a spot with a pin prick in it, I put some cream on it and she seemed OK.

Yesterday there was no further complaints so I assumed it was not sore.

This morning she asked me to look at it so I did expecting a spot again. Instead there was this huge blister.

So I took her chemist to see if they could advise on treatment and she advised we take her to see the GP.

We went to the GP surgery and the receptionist got Kate into surgery this evening at 6pm, an emergency appointment.

An hour later Kate’s thumb was worse.

He messed with it and gave some antibiotics to be taken four times a day, quite a high dose. She has to go back on Monday for another assessment.

She was frightened that she was going to have to go the hospital so is relieved the GP was able to help.

But now in the last hour another ones come up on her other hand and in the joint fold.

She’s in pain and going back tomorrow as instructed if it gets worse  .

The GP thinks she snagged her nail and it has become infected but he can’t see properly so he’s hoping the swelling will go down so he can examine it properly.