Parkland Students Receive Letter From Barack & Michelle Obama

By Firstladyb

In a letter to Parkland students, former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama wrote “You’ve helped awaken the conscience of a nation.”

In a one page letter dated March 10 and addressed to “the students of Parkland,” Barack and Michelle Obama commended high school students for speaking out in the wake of the Feb. 14th mass shooting that happened at their school.

“We wanted to let you know how inspired we have been by the resilience, resolve and solidarity that you have all shown in the wake of unspeakable tragedy,” the letter posted by Mic.

EXCLUSIVE: Here’s the letter @BarackObama and @MichelleObama wrote to the #ParklandShooting survivors. In it, the former president and first lady tell the teens that they’ve “inspired” them, and commend them on “awakening the conscience of our nation.”

— Mic (@mic) March 21, 2018

“Not only have you supported and comforted each other, but you’ve helped awaken the conscience of the nation, and challenged decision-makers to make the safety of our children the country’s top priority,” the Obamas wrote.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school students burst onto the national political scene after the shooting, demanding policy changes from state and federal lawmakers. Some have advocated for restrictions on firearm purchases, and others have focused on policies that would strengthen school safety and mental health programs.