First off – Thank you so much for all of your sweet words. I re-read them probably a dozen times! They helped put me at ease and realize that everything really will be okay! Everything everyone said really hit home! Victoria, thank you for always sending words of encouragement. You have been one of the kindest people I have met through blogging! And thank you for Wordreference! It is amazing! Stephanie your words really hit home! I love the quote and hearing your story really touched me and gave me strength, so thank you, thank you! I really read each comment multiple times and took it to heart. Thank you all for taking time out of your day to send over some words! Through all of the support I have been receiving I have really been able to breathe. Knowing I have this system of people who are all their encouraging me has helped immensely.
The other night I actually had an epiphany while walking home from a party. The party was across from the Pont Alexandre III so about a 45 min walk home. I decided to a pied (walk) and take it all in. It wasn’t but 10 minutes into my walk that I literally had to pinch myself to remind me what I was doing. I took my time walking home and really came to terms with everything. By the end of the walk – I was completely content and ‘re-in-love’ with Paris! Paris at night is beautiful and can turn even the most anti-Paris person into a believer.
I absolutely love my school and learn so much everyday. But I have come to terms with the idea that I won’t have the perfect accent nor learn everything there is to know in a month. And that is okay! I am here to learn as much as I can and practice what I learn. It doesn’t always have to be now, now, now. All or nothing – which is something I struggle with. Coming to terms with this entire trip has set me at ease and allowed myself to breathe. In and out. The other day I had quite the exciting experience – I had TWO tourists come up to ask me for directions! I must at least look like I know what I am doing even if I have no clue!
Over the past week I have been really surprised by the French. A few things I have learned: One – they all LOVE New York! I mean, The first thing they like to tell me is that they have been to New York a number of times or lived there for an extended time. Secondly they all are dumbfounded by Americans love for Paris. They can’t quite wrap their heads around why we love it so much. I simply explain, it is our New York because I can’t for the life of me understand why you love NY so much (BOOM)! Another surprising thing is that they think everyone from Texas owns a Machine gun. I knew they thought we owned guns but they skipped passed rifles and handguns to believe that we actually own MACHINE GUNS! This isn’t even one or two people but a handful I have met and each one is extremely educated. Ummm, I have never even seen a machine gun, anyone else? Also, french people, mainly men, do not care what temperature it is outside, they are going to wear their coat and scarf. I have seen more men dressed like it is 50 degrees than for the actual 100 degrees. I am in shorts and a shirt and they are in these coats and scarves. Clearly, I am American! And lastly, each Frenchie is dying to practice their english which makes learning and practicing my french difficult! But I completely understand and try to do halvies with them!
The last few days have been spent meeting new people (shout out to Out About In Paris for inviting me to the 4th of July Party at the Eiffel Tower), wandering the different quartiers with my camera, and drinking lots of rosé (for one). I can’t believe how quickly my attitude toward Paris has changed but I am so happy to finally be appreciating this experience! à bientôt!
** If you have any Paris recs I am definitely open to them! Comment or email –