Parenting Isn’t Easy, but There Are Definitely Ways To Make It a Little Easier

By Evette Garside @evette77

Effective parenting is rare these days. Raising a child isn't exactly a lost art, but it's certainly not something that we collectively agree on. Everyone has their own way of raising a child and it's usually based on how they were personally raised. However, there are a couple of tips that you should follow if you want to make parenting easier.

There's no guarantee that this advice will work and there's no objectivity involved, but these are tips that have been gathered from people who believe that they experienced something that positively transformed them and helped them become the adult they are today.

Always be prepared as a parent and make sure you're well-equipped

One of the biggest challenges of being a parent is ensuring that you are well-equipped for any potential situation. Stocking up on baby bodysuits and other clothing pieces, always having lots of baby supplies, and planning in advance are just some of the examples of preparedness that you should be considering as a parent. The goal is to always think several steps ahead of what your baby might need and to always have a stock of items available so that you aren't running to the supermarket just to get a single item.

Being prepared in this way offers several great benefits. For starters, it means a lot less stress because you're not being forced to run around buying single items that you've forgotten. It also means that you can be prepared for emergency situations, and it also helps to train you to think ahead and always plan for the worst.

Discipline is important, but it has to be consistent and meaningful

Nothing is achieved by being unnecessarily strict with your child. Discipline is important and helps to train your children so they can understand what is acceptable and what isn't. It also teaches them about self-control and allows them to test the limits of what they should and shouldn't do. Putting together rules like this is important regardless of how old your child is, but you need to be consistent about those rules and also lead by example.

Make sure you establish some simple house rules that your children have to follow. It could be related to doing chores, or it could be to do with their personality. Either way, you need to ensure that there are a clear set of rules for them to follow and stick to. There should also be consequences should they fail to follow through with those rules. This could mean stripping privileges such as screen time, or it could mean less allowance for the week.

Do what you can to make time for your kids

As a busy parent, you might be working from home with a newborn baby or leaving your child in the care of a babysitter for a while. Situations like this can be surprisingly difficult to manage because you're always trying to juggle your time at work with time spent with your family. Communication can be difficult when you rarely see each other, and it can rob you of creating wonderful memories with your child as they grow up.

Don't let this happen. Make sure you get to spend plenty of time with your kids by making that time. Even if you have to take some time off work or sacrifice some of the time you would've spent with friends, you have to change your priorities so that your child becomes the most important person in your life. Many parents find that it can be rewarding to schedule around their children, building their life around what the child wants or needs.

Understand that you have limitations as well

It's a good idea to just face the facts and realise that you have limitations as a parent. Realistic expectations can help you put your life into perspective so you have an easier time coping with problems. People are imperfect and you shouldn't hold yourself to the highest standard at all times. Give yourself a break and realise that you can make mistakes too. Don't criticise yourself for every little mistake, and give yourself some breathing room when things go wrong.

After all, parenting is a journey where we will constantly experience failures, but it's what we learn from those situations that stick with us and mould us into better parents. You're not going to get everything right on the first try, so don't punish yourself or call yourself a terrible parent for making a few mistakes.