Parenting FAIL Friday: Summer Art Projects.

By Mediocremom @mediocre_mom

School is finally out for summer. I’m convinced that we live in the only state that feels that 492 half days at the end of the year are useful. You know what happens on end-of-the-year half days? Circle time. Snack time. Get ready for pick-up time. There is no learning. Let’s just call a spade a spade and end this nonsense in early June, like we used to.

Anyway. I heart summer for so, so many reasons. One being that I can kick my kids out encourage outdoor play almost daily. Another being things like picnic lunches, where the crumbs fall on the grass and I don’t have to sweep. I hate the sweeping.

Added bonus? Outdoor art time. I did this a couple times this past week. In my mind, we set up the art supplies, and the stray marker/glue/paint lands on a few grass blades rather than on my dining table.

What actually happens?


Someone get the hose.