I feel like I need to touch base on a topic as I have had quite a few questions surrounding the baby in my blog name. Recently I underwent a blog overhaul and rename to just 3B’s Blog. This was because I had given up hope and believed that my babies weren’t babies anymore and it wouldn’t relate. But this all changed last week when I got a glimmer of hope in the baby making department.
But I want to clarify that I still love being a Mummy blogger and have quite the following in this topic.
My bun making days aren’t over and have just been put on hold. Prior to March we were TTC and were trying hard for about 4 months or so- without any real success.
I did miscarry unfortunately but this baby wasn’t meant to be, and was the start of discovering what the hell my body was up to.
Here is where we discovered that I have a thyroid (auto immune disease) and if I had fallen pregnant then there’s a massive chance I wouldn’t have been able to carry it anyway and is extremely dangerous both for baby and me. Lucky we found this out when we did or else we could have been in quite a bit of strife. On top of that I also have endometriosis, which also puts a shadow on my hopes. It took over 7 months to conceive with Madison. I don't want sympathy or anything like that.
It isn't fun and apart of me does feel like I am failing at being a woman. But the biggest part of me tells me to suck it up princess because there are people out there that haven't even been given the blessing of having one, and I have two. My heart breaks and can now say I truly now how you feel when it comes to unsuccessfully TTC, or having a health hiccup thrown in your face preventing you.Sometimes things don't go to plan and I have learnt to accept that. I can't be the control freak I am with this sort of thing, and need to STFU. So I have simply shut up shop until I get the green light. The Doctors and specialists know I want to continue to expand the family but they’ve also informed me I have to look after myself before bringing another body into my body.
It’s taken some time to get my head around this, but I have somewhat accepted it and will delay any baby making until it is safe.
I will still be covering parenting topics and also keep you up to date with my health and TTC plans so you won’t be kept in the dark.
But for now I will keep it to relatable or throw backs of my little ones until I am baby making again.