Every year, I Love Children will be giving out discounted fertility checks and free DIY tool kits. We were eligible this year so I happily went to collect the parenthood kit cos it is free *giggles* and quite useful. Quite honestly, I don't really know much about the ovulation and sperm-test kit. But, the pee stick...that I know...and should be rather useful.
In the bag, there was also a pamphlet...and this was when I realised there were quite a bit of things the 2 self-proclaimed top Bio students did not know. So, I thought it made sense to do up a post to quickly update some of you readers who may be in the same relationship stage:
- Fertility Health Check: I always thought it was those who might have problems. But actually couples who are planning to conceive should also go the check. Rule of thumb, if you have been trying for more than 6 months without success, you and your partner should go for the health check.
- The fertility health check can identify contributing factors in the woman or man. This can help to eliminate any conditions that could prevent or delay a healthy pregnancy.
- There is no validity date each fertility health check. But you should always consider doing a repeated check when you are above 35 years old, or there is some changes in your health conditions.