Parental Burnout - Causes, Effects, and Effective Solutions

Posted on the 30 May 2022 by Deepti @deepti48

Parenting is a full-time job that involves unending stressful days and several sleepless nights. Managing everything from late-night feedings and toddler tantrums to eventual meltdowns and regular homework often becomes too exhausting. No matter, how much effort and time parents put into raising their little bundles of joy, the kids always need a little more attention and supervision, eventually leading to a threshold of parental burnout.

Parental burnout is real!

What Causes Parental Burnout?

Parental burnout is a state where parents feel too exhausted and drained physically, mentally, and emotionally. It leads to chronic parenting stress, and parents always feel on the edge. People undergoing parental burnout often experience forgetfulness, anxiety, and depression. Not only this, but parents also start questioning their parenting ability and feel confused or isolated.

However, it is imperative to understand that parental burnout is often caused by prolonged stress. Primarily, when the demands outweigh the ability of a person to meet expectations. 

Overworked parent

But it can also happen for a variety of other reasons. For example, excess work can be overwhelming and trigger parental burnout. As a result, the person feels fatigued, lacks motivation, and feels detached from people and pleasurable activities.

That said, parents must understand that the feeling is temporary, and they can easily combat parental burnout by managing the situation correctly.

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Telltale Signs and Effects of Parental Burnout

Different people may experience disparate effects of parental burnout. 

Some display physical symptoms such as exhaustion, headache, neck pain, muscle ache, loss of appetite, and disturbed sleep patterns. 

Others experience emotional disturbances such as self-doubt, helplessness, loss of motivation, loneliness, irritability, the feeling of detachment, and isolating behavior.

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Some parents switch to alcohol or drug abuse to calm their senses and combat parental burnout. 

Although people have been experiencing parental burnout for ages, the prevalent women’s work culture and ongoing pandemics have added fuel to the fire leading to higher levels of stress and anxiety among parents.

According to psychologists, people with poor coping skills, faulty resilience, and low frustration tolerance are more susceptible to parental burnout. 

However, the condition can be cured with supportive coping mechanisms. Here are some effective solutions to try to cope with parental burnout.

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Effective Solutions to Cope with Parental Burnout

Whether you are experiencing the early signs of parental burnout or have already crossed past your breaking point, it does not make you a bad person or the worst parent. Identifying the problem and finding solutions is the right way to approach your condition as a parent.

Talk With Someone Reliable

It can be your spouse, a friend, a co-parent, or even your therapist. Speaking it out helps you and your partner better understand the situation you are going through. Besides, it will help you identify the problem clearly and seek workable solutions.

Therapy helps people dealing with parental burnout

Understand Your Situation

Again, talking about what you are dealing with is the first step to acknowledging your condition and seeking available help. Be honest while explaining your situation. Also, admit your struggles and accept that you are overworked and feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, tell people how you want them to help you with what you need.

Pretty fired as a mother letter Printed Short-sleeve Tee

Get Enough Sleep

Good sleep is essential for your mental health and overall wellbeing. Although getting enough sleep becomes challenging with a newborn or a young child. Try to prioritize sleep over other stuff whenever you can catch a nap.

You can manage things better when you are well-rested. Even a twenty-minute power nap can be restorative. Surprisingly, a nap can help reduce stress manifold, improve your focus, and help regulate your emotions.

Read This- Benefits of Good Sleep for Kids

Never Skip Exercise

You may find it challenging to take out spare time for regular exercise, but it can help you restore lost energy. Regular exercise sessions can reduce stress, improve your mindset, and help you carry on your daily chores more enthusiastically rather than feeling drained and exhausted.

Rest Whenever Possible

Self-care is important!

It is easier to feel overwhelmed or overworked when you are managing too many responsibilities at the same time. Therefore, it is even more essential to take some time off now and then and rest for a few minutes.

So, next time you feel overstressed, grab a warm cup of tea or a refreshing mug of coffee, sit on the couch, and do something creative and rejuvenating that calms your mind. It can be reading a book, watching a cartoon with your kids, or listening to soulful music.

Practice Self-Care

Although it may seem impossible to focus on yourself when you are caught in the middle of a lot of things, it is, however, essential to practice self-care every day. 

Meditation helps to destress parents!

Just 2-minutes of self-care in the morning or at night before you go to bed can reenergize you and help you get ready for the day ahead.

You can do simple breathing exercises, practice meditation, or write a journal. Follow any routine that de-stresses your mind. For example, taking a bath before going to bed at night can be calming and relaxing, physically and mentally. 

Alternatively, you can follow a quick yoga routine with some simple asanas or take a walk in the morning.

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Develop A Support System

We often rely on a supportive partner for help; however, it does no harm to have a support system beyond them. Moreover, many people lack a home-support system or do not have access to the right resources. In that case, consulting therapists or joining parenting groups to associate with like-minded individuals and people who can steer you in the right direction is the best bet.

Group support helps to deal with burnout

When you talk about your problems with like-minded people, you gain a better perspective and learn new insights about your issues. No matter what the problems are, understand that parenting can be challenging as well as rewarding. 

It is all right to feel frustrated or exhausted at times. However, you need to stay patient and treat yourself well.

Many individuals do not understand that experiencing parental burnout is a common human reaction to external stress. Consider stress, exhaustion, and fatigue as a part and parcel of your routine and approach the condition with a positive outlook.

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