Parent Submission: Mermaid Party

By Partycraftsecrets @partycraftsecrt
It's no secret that mermaid parties are fabulous, for children and parents alike.  I was thrilled when Jemma and her mom sent me photos of her 5th birthday party.  Using the Mermaid party planning ebook and printable templates, they made everything from invitations, decorations, fun edible craft projects, and keepsakes.  Here's what Jemma's mom wrote to me after initially confessing that this was the first themed party she'd ever hosted, and that she had been excited but nervous about whether she was going to be crafty enough; "This party would never have happened if it wasn't for you, somehow you have pushed me into being more than I thought possible.  Your ebook gave me lots of ideas and more importantly the confidence that I could do something fun, memorable and magical for Jemma, I was really proud of what we had all created. The girls probably would have had fun regardless but it may never have happened without your ebook to give me the structure and the inspiration, so thanks!!!"So then, if you had any doubts that you couldn't pull of a themed party, fear no more; Jemma's mom gained a new found confidence in crafting with her family, and within herself, and I'm certain you can too! x