Para Aduma Found in Mexico

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
According to COLLive, a kosher para aduma has been discovered in Mexico..
A Chabad shliach in Mexico, looking for a farmer with which to make a deal to supply him with kosher milk, stumbled upon a red heifer. He claims it is kosher, but what are the chances he is an expert in determining that. Maybe it is or maybe it isn't.  I am sur eit was an exciting experience though.
The real question is, how Donald Trump's wall on the border with Mexico, and Netanyahu's now-strained relations with his Mexico due to his public support for Trump's wall, will affect the usability of this para aduma should it become necessary...
From the picture above - the ear tag might be a blemish, as well as the white spot on the forearm. At first I thought it might be a blemish of the photography, but it is in the other picture as well on COLLive...
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