Paper-thin Silicon Wafers Give Color to Solar Cells

Posted on the 05 August 2013 by Derick Ajumni
Paper-thin silicon wafers give color to solar cells Research HeadLine:
Until now, designers of buildings have no choice but to use black or bluish-gray colored solar panels. With the help of thin-film technologies, researchers have now been able to turn solar cells into colorful creations.

Covering a roof or a façade with standard solar cells to generate electricity will change a building's original appearance -- and not always for the better. At present only dark solar panels are widely available on the market. "Not enough work has been done so far on combining photovoltaics and design elements to really do the term 'customized photovoltaics' justice," says Kevin Füchsel, project manager at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF in Jena.
Article Source: Fraunhofer

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